About Me
I am a mother of 3 and 4 step kids. I have 4 kids living at home sometimes 5. stepson Tyler is 16, Son Daniel 13, Daughter Monica 11 and Daughter Natalie is 3. Yeap I thought I was going through Menopause and I was 3 months prego... So at 43 I started all over again. But I would not change that for the world at least must of the time. I love to attend my kids baseball games. MY life rotates around my Children but once a month Stan my husband and I go on a date just by our lonsome self. I love it.
Diana, email scott@bluemoonscrapbooking.com so we can mail the goodies to you!
CONGRATS DIANA!!!!!! She sounds like she is one busy woman!!!! I have a three year old also....I can relate!!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Congrats Diana!
Congrats Diana!
Happy fRiday BLUEMOON!
Diana! I hope you have time to play with your new goodies! Enjoy and congrats.
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