Sunday, February 14, 2010

Giveaway Basic Grey

Are you excited about the new Basic Grey coming out early next month? Well, in case you can't wait - I have a Giveaway (thanks to Basic Grey at CHA) for you! Basic Grey Green at Heart and Kioshi papers (most are 6x12 in this giveaway), alphas, and bling - a little of all the new goodies.

Leave a comment:  What is the first item in your cart when Basic Grey releases a new collection - papers, pops, woolies....

Read the newsletter later today for the Pre-Order info on these collections at 15% off thru Tuesday.
Free shipping of giveaway to US residents only.


Anonymous said...

why the paper of course ;o) then it goes on from there Barbara

krussellstudio said...

I love the paper, so that's first.

Tanya said...

Love BG paper!!!
And i have BG stamps - just awesome!!!

Lena said...

the first would be the Green at Heart paper and Chip Sticker Shapes!
love their colours!

LISA said...

No matter what new product line comes out, paper is always on the top of my list!!! And I loooooooove BG paper!!!!

Laura said...

Start with the paper and build from there!

Create With Joy said...

Basic Grey? The Paper Princess MUST have their paper! :-)

Ramona :-)

Anonymous said...

Papers, Papers, Papers, I'm a paper girl!!

Bev M said...

The first thing in my cart will be the paper, but then the new riboon doilies and the pops would be next. Basic Grey just keeps getting better and better.

ruth said...

Paper! :)

Beth H said...

Papers are the first thing in my cart! Love 'em!

Sandra Perdomo said...

definily paper and second the chip pieces i just got to have those two for every collention and I get other stuff if I like , thanks for the opportunity to win this

StampinCathy said...

Happy Valentine's Day!
I would have to say start with the paper and then the rest.

anne g-i said...

paper first!! love basic grey~

Patty DeThomas said...

First would be the paper then the rest of the line. Must have it all because it all goes together.

Teresa Jaye said...

I'm with the other girls - have to start with the paper, and then a little more paper. Sometimes, though, I jump right to the woolies 'cause they're so darn cute!

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I usually buy the paper collection packs and then go from there. I love the buttons too. Thank you for the giveaway. I love the new Green Heart. Have a great valentine's day KH

Anonymous said...

I always choose the paper first...then my embellishment juices start to flow for everything else!

Team Northwest Property Management said...

Why the papers first, Love it! Thank you for another great give a way. Happy Valentines day! :)

Scrapamum said...

I love all of their new products but the Basic Line will be my must have now item : )

Nitasha said...

Happy Valentine's Day! For me it's like building a house when I choose my scrapbooking products---I start with a strong foundation--PAPER!!!! Oh, and what a pretty house these new Basic Grey papers will build!!!

suegoco said...

The 12x12 paper collection pack. No sense in buying just a few sheets.

Audrey Yeager said...

I think I have most of the BG collections except the new ones, obviously. But I am on a spending freeze, so this would be a great prize. I always go for their papers of course!

Anonymous said...

I like to order the collection packs, but I also love the paper pads, especially the 6 x 6 for cardmaking, although if there is a particular sheet of paper I love in a collection I will order about half a dozen of it in the 21 x 12 size.

These 2 new collections are beautiful

JPScraps said...

The paper!

Peggy said...

Oh, paper, of course, then let's go back with a design in mind and start looking for embellishments!!!!

Lilly said...

OMG! The paper of course :) I just got the Granola collection with the stamp set, rub-ons and brads. So excited can't wait for the new collections. Love love love them.

Monica L said...

I'm a sucker for their papers. I have several collections. But then I tend to hoard them rather than use them--isn't that sad? Love em...


Unknown said...

The doilies, MUST have the doilies (the possibilities!!!), then the paper, the clips, brads, bloomies, tags, ribbon...where to stop???

Anonymous said...

Paper is always first!:-)

Sandie said...

Paper, rubons and chips... all the way!!! I LOVE BG, please!!!

Evelyn Sloppy said...

The paper first, and then, whatever else looks good, which is usually everything.

Jackie said...

Paper first, then everything else!

ScrapAddict said...

I always start with the paper!

jennmom2000 said...

I always grab the paper first! Its just so beautiful!

Tiffany said...

i would grab the alpha stickers!! :)

Michelle W. said...

The 6"x6" paper pad, which I love using for cards. Thanks for the chance to win some!

Dianne Yamada said...

I love the letters that Basic Grey has that match the papers. They are so chunky and colorful!

huntla1 said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Paper, no doubt about it. and I am really looking forward to seeing both of these sets!

Monique Liedtke said...

I want it all, but papers first!!!!

~* steph :) *~ said...

Love BG's paper, so that would be the first :)!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Louise Dubord said...

The paper for sure! And then, everything else...

Kendra said...

It has to be paper for me, after all thats the whole base of any project.

Rebecca said...

The BEAUTIFUL papers would be first, but love it all.

Tessa Buys said...

The papers are always first, and then the woolies :). Thank you for the chance to win!

patti west said...

paper, chip, and more felt woolies!

Anonymous said...

Papers, papers, papers, you just cannot have enough of papers. Of course for me, I really do shop from people who treat people the way they want to be treated, products come second to me. No butter up, but this is what I really do believe in.

d'Dragon said...

The first thing I purchase when Basic Grey has a new release is PAPER - I've loved almost every BG collection I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Paper is the first thing in my cart of the Basic Grey products....I can then decide what extra BG goodies I want to go along with it. Thanks for the great give-away!


Tina S. said...

Love the Green at Heart papers so it would have to be that...unless the adoreable Green at Heart woolies beat them to it! Great new line for sure!

A Sarasota said...

The whole set of papers, first! Then the card kit! Then the woolies! It's an obsession... Love the way everything is coordinated, no searching for solids or thickers, it's all in the package!!

maureendb said...

The first thing would be anything from the Green at Heart Collection. Start with paper and start adding embelishments...woolies first.

maureendb said...

The first thing would be anything from the Green at Heart Collection. Start with paper and start adding embelishments...woolies first.

Rebecca Keppel said...

Papers first, but Woolies are a close second :)

Knerten said...

Basic Grey's PAPER ! My no 1 prio :-)
Thanks for this chance !

Pat said...

First the paper. I actually like the 6 X 6 because I like minis. I'm ordering Koshi first!

Gunn (Merete) said...

Always the paper first, then the rub ons.

JgWM said...

I am with the rest.... the papers always pull you in!

Grammie said...

I love their collection packs so those go in the cart first - I have everything I need to start making pages all in one package. I love everything Basic Grey! I've been a fan for years.

Erika M. said...

I usually start with paper and then go the stamps and then to the pops!

JMCPhillips said...

Whatever product is the first item listed under "New Arrivals - Basic Grey"!! LOL!! I heart everything about BG!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Papers. I love papers and try so hard not to buy more but all the pretty colors and designs get me everytime.

Laura Stewart said...

the papers, always!

pattyb said...


Staci G said...

Paper, and then, Paper! My favorite!

Kitty said...

I usually pick up the 6x6 paper pads because I really like the smaller prints for card making. With the pads you get all the designs as well. Thanks for the offer!

Yuliya said...


Barbara said...


Teresa said...

It's always hard to chose because all of it is always so fun to create with!! But I love the 12x12 sticker sheets and then I grab the papers and all the rest!!!! I love the new lines!!

brigham said...

Paper for me!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Basic Gray - I would get the complete set - paper, brads, chipboard, etc!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I am a BG paper collector so I will definitely be buying the paper!

Donna VW said...

I love everything Basic Grey, but lately I have been loving the 6x6 paper pads.

brenlubrant said...

I love the "Green at Heart" papers. I think that will be my first thing to put into my cart.

Diane said...

XOXOXO to the brushstroked solid color papers for backgrounds!

AllyW said...

I love their 12x12 sticker sheets. Those border strips get me everytime!

Miss Tami said...

I am the Paper Queen - love the new ones by Basic Grey!

Tona said...

Papers...I'm addicted lol.

Creative Expressions by Lynn said...

Paper and bling! Two of my favs!

Anonymous said...

Green at Heart and Kioshi papers
6x6 paper pads! I am sooooo excited about these new collections! I love them, and Bluemoon Scrapbooking of course! Your customer service rocks!
cheryl edwards

Marie-France said...

papers, papers, papers... sometimes in 12x12, sometimes in 6x6, but I buy each and every collection since I started scrapping!

julie.schellin said...

paper, usually in the 6x6 pad form - BG never fails!

Jen said...

Paper of course! But, then the woolies and everything else are soon to follow! Love BG and you guys for such a great giveaway!

Krystle said...

The collection packs! I love having all of the coordinating papers with the alphas and stickers. I also tend to love the doilies and buy those too!

Bonnie said...

The paper packs are my favorites....I love for everything to coordinate.

nancy said...


Kelly Massman said...

Papers, of course!

~Tonya said...

Paper, paper and more paper! I just found your blog while looking for Tim's new book and I love your blog!!!

So much inspiration. I will have to stop by daily! Thank you so much for the chance at winning!

Andrea said...

Their doilies first! They are so vintage awesome! I love them, I think they are some of the prettiest silohuettes on the market! I need some!

Danese said...
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Danese said...

Paper! I love Basic Grey Paper!

Pam said...

Paper Paper and more paper, than the embellishments when I get all that in my basket I make sure that if there is a 6x6 pad of paper I get it also. Basic Grey is my favorite

pooky said...

Love the kioshi papers and elements!!! I think that would be the first in my cart...amongst all the other basic grey!

kate blue said...

hard choice but I'd have to say the fabric flowers (origins line)...

Melissa M said...

Always, always papers. Love everything BG!

Melissa M said...

Paper, of course! BG all the way...

Rosa said...

I would have to say PAPER! all the way. I'm addicted to their paper.

smahrty said...

Used to be the papers, now the embellies are calling to me.

rebekah said...

the paper first then.. whatever sparks my fancy from there! love basic grey!

Katarina said...

I go for those 6x6" paperpacks. They are fab for cardmaking.

{VICKI} said...


Treasa C. said...

Love..Love..Love BG papers.

Jennifer said...

I would have to say the paper first. It's all gorgeous!! And it keeps getting better and better!

Tricia said...

Paper, paper, paper!