Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cosmo Cricket Material Girl, Garden Variety, and Joy Ride

I'm finally getting the Cosmo Cricket papers up - they are so alive and full of color.  Cosmo Cricket always puts a smile on your face!

Cosmo Cricket Material Girl full of sewing and flowers goodies.

Cosmo Cricket Joy Ride -I love the colors up close -they use a great shade of grey.

Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety -get ready to say good-bye to snow- LOL - and start the garden.  Time does fly - so those fresh tomatoes will be calling out to you soon "pick me, pick me..."

Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety

Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety journal sheet combines classic vintage designs and.........

adorable blue cows -mooooooo.

Top see all the Cosmo Cricket in the store today click here.


Jocelyn said...

These look so Yummy....I am in need of some serious shopping...Cabin Fever had set in!!!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

The material girl line is my favorite!

Jenna Ruth said...

I just got some of the Material Girl papers- so pretty!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

these are soooooooooooooooooooo yummy! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Scrapamum said...

I think I'm going to have to get my hands on these lovely lines!!!

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