Sunday, February 21, 2010

American Crafts Giveaway

We're in the American Crafts mood here lately. We have Dear Lizzy (fabric papers are still to come), American Crafts Botanique (more to come) and Letterbox is coming soon. So lets do an American Crafts giveaway.  American Crafts and Studio Paints -basics for playing.

To enter leave a comment:  Have you tried American Crafts Flair buttons and how do you mostly use them on cards or layouts or... as flower centers like I do.


~* steph :) *~ said...

Hi Blue Moon Scrapbooking :)!
I haven't tried the flair buttons before...I really want to since they are oh-so-cute. Wasn't sure how to use them.
Have a great weekend :)!

Tanya said...

Great giveaway!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! I fix photos, tags and for the center of flowers...

Julie said...

What a fab giveaway - I havent used the flair buttons before... but i wouldnt mind having a go... I would probably use them as the centre of flowers [Just love flowers]

הגריטה-hagar am said...

I like the American Crafts Flair buttons & use them on thir oun or as flower centers :-)

Ngaire said...

I like to use them as centres for flowers. My favourite thing to do is to remove the sticky on the back and glue a safety pin onto them and wear them as badges.

JAN said...

fantastic giveaway i am from the UK and havent managed to get hold of any american crafts products to try but they do look very superior to what we get over here..i would use the buttons on tags and for flower centres..thank you for the chance to win something i would never normally have

**CrEaTiNgWiThAlOhA** said...

have not used the flair buttons yet but love all the AC goodies....TFS....

Lena said...

I haven't tried the flair buttons before!It would be such a great opportunity to get some and be creative with them!Thanks for the chance to win!!

Create With Joy said...

I would love the chance to try the American Crafts Flair Buttons - I love using buttons both as flower centers and as a decorative element on my cards and other projects. The entire prize looks like a yummy goodie to win!


Queena said...

I have not had the opportunity to try the flair buttons but I would imagine it would look great if used as the main element on a tag or atc card. Hmmm...the possibilities!

Knerten said...

Thanks for the chance to win :-)
Haven't had any flair buttons earlier, but would love to try some out :-)

StampinCathy said...

This is one sweet giveaway. I haven't had a chance to try flair buttons yet. They are so cute and would love to have a chance to play with them. I would use them on flowers, tags, and even making them the center focus on cards too. Thanks so much for a chance.

chris a said...

They look fabulous as flower centers but I also think they would be cool placed on ribbon across the page. thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

I haven't tried the flair buttons, yet, but in the center of a flower would probably be my first choice. Thanks for the opportunity:D

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I haven't used the flair buttons yet but I would love to give them a try. I would use them for flower centers, a decorative element on layouts, etc.

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I haven't seen these flair buttons, so I don't know how to use them. But I think it would be fun to learn how to use them some way on a page. Thank you for the giveaway....enjoy your day. KH

Vel said...

I haven't tried them yet but I'd definitely use them as flower centers.

ruth said... reality I hoard them. :) I think I generally just use them as a regular embellishment on the page.

Larisa said...

I have never had the American Crafts Flair buttons before, but I am grateful if I can win this candy and to learn how to do it ))

Artsysue said...

I usually use them to decorate office supplies! Flower centers sounds like a great idea - wish I'd thought of that before LOL.

JPScraps said...

Nope...haven't tried the Flair buttons yet....I'd like to though :)

Jackie said...

Great giveaway. Haven't tried the flair buttons yet!

Casey Wright said...

What an awesome give-away. I love the new American Crafts stuff, but I've never used the flair buttons - they look really fun though! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erika M. said...

Awesome giveaway - I have used the Flair buttons on altered projects but not layouts!

Jenna Ruth said...

Haven't tried flair buttons before- but I'm addicted to Thickers!

Kelly Massman said...

I haven't used the American Crafts Flair buttons, but I am always ready to try something new!! I am an eclectic scrapbooker!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a nice price!!!

cinmfoster said...

I haven't tried the flair buttons before, but they are really cute.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Suzie Button said...

I haven't had the pleasure of trying the flair buttons, but anything to embellish and cute up is on my list of gotta do! Thanks for the giveaway! Suzie

Peggy said...

Oh, those look so cute!!! They'd be great as flower centers or as a stand-alone in a cluster of embellies!!!

Anonymous said...

Fab giveaway as usual!! I haven't used those buttons before, they look really cute. I have to try them!!

Bev M said...

I haven't tried the Flair buttons yet, but have wanted to. I just wasn't sure how to use them and if they would be too bulky for a page or if they would be better in a mini album.

Have a great day!

JoanneK said...

Flowers centers are the perfect place for these lovelies!!!

Monique Liedtke said...

Yes, I've tried them... mostly randomly on my layouts but as flower centers too.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Celeste said...

how fun! love flair use them like buttons!

Pat said...

I have not tried them but would love to!

Audrey Yeager said...

I love the AC stuff this release! The flair buttons are so cute. I love to use them in clusters of embellishments or as flower centers.

Scarlett said...

I haven't been able to try the Flair out yet, but have been eyeballing them up at a number of different spots. I think I would these for a variety of purposes.... they would be great on LOs and cards and I could also see using them as cool bellies for altered items!

Tiffany said...

Great giveaway!!! love the lizzy collection! thanks so much!

pdrnc said...

I've never used the American Crafts flair buttons but would probably use them as flower centers. Thanks for the chance.

Cindyloohoo said...

Their new product is wonderful. I can't wait to use it. Just love all the things you carry. Always new and fresh. Keep it coming. Only regret is that I haven't won the lottery so I can buy everything and the house to put it in. Oh well, it is Sunday. Time to check out the tickets. Have a great week.

Tona said...

I have never used the flair buttons before. Thanks for the chance to try them ;)

Pam said...

Great giveaway products...such fun seeing new products and getting new ideas of inspiration...the flair buttons would be so cute as flower centers or on an altered project.

Laura Stewart said...

yes, I like them and have used on cards

ScrapNSister1 said...

Would love to give them a stick but have yet to try the flair buttons.

wendipooh13 said...

how cool.. I LOVE flair buttons.. I use them on embellie clusters on the LOS and as senitments on my cards...

corrie said...

Never tried the flair buttons but I love AC embellishments! Love to try them!

nancy said...

I have never tried flair buttons. Thanks for the chance to see what they're like.

Anonymous said...

Love how flair buttons look on a page as flower centers, seals on envelopes, closures for mini albums w/ string laced back n forth between two, I guess the possibilities are endless. Thanks for having the give a way!

Brittney said...

I actually just purchased my first set of Flair badges - the "Miss You" ones. I'm planning on using them on cards!

Robin said...

I have never used these before. But I love the look of them. I think the little orange slice would be perfect in the center a juicy looking flower. I love American craft products and would love to use the buttons on a card.

JMCPhillips said...

I have tried them and I like to use them as normal embellies! Thanks for the chance to win!

Nitasha said...

I have a Thickers addiction, and a fancy for Flair! I use both on cards and layouts, but also like to hoard them too!! I would love to try studio paint! THank you for such an awesome giveaway!!!

Kate said...

I have not tried the flair buttons but they are super cute. I would love to be able to use them on a card or a layout. Maybe to hold a photo or tag in place. Thanks for the chance.

Linz said...

I love using the flair buttons to anchor ends of ribbon or trim!

Natalie said...

I haven't used the flair buttons yet but I'm sure I can find several ways to use them on my pages.

patti west said...

I've used AC flair. I like them used as random embellishments on cards & los. I've used them on an altered notebook too. Thanks for being so awesome, Blue Moon! :)

Unknown said...

I have not tried them , but I would probably use them for all 3 and possibly mixed media collages and books too !

Unknown said...

I have some flair buttons but have not had a chance to use them. I hope to use them in the middle of flowers. Thanks for the chance to win.

klasickewpie said...

Oh! I do so love Claudine's paints and I can never have enough rub-ons. I wonder if I actually rubbed the "smile" one across my mouth if it would make people smile...or would they just look at me with a very strange look :) The flair buttons are new to me, but I would probably use them as a center to my flowers. Thanks so much for the the fantastic opportunity at your giveaway.

colleenzzz said...

I love flair buttons. I am planning on using them in a layout that has a swiss cheese look. Thanks for a chance to win!

Treasa C. said...

I love using the flair buttons, mainly as accents on an embellishment or on a flower.

MaryAnn said...

The flair buttons are so fun to use. I've also used them as centers in flowers, but mostly just as accents to a page, combined with a grouping of buttons and other embellies. :)

Marilyn said...


Teresa Jaye said...

Flair buttons are great as flower centers. They also look cute on a layout lined up 3 in a row.

Kelly said...

I have yet to use them... but can't wait to try if I win this giveaway! :)

Grammie said...

I've never used the flair buttons but I would like to win some so I can try them! The prize package looks like lots of fun!

Kitty said...

I haven't tried the Flair buttons before. Would love to have a try though!! Thanks so much!

Scrapamum said...

I love using them wherever I need a little extra something something!!! Love them!

Louise Dubord said...

I ave tried them on cards, on LOs and as flower centers.

Diana Fisher said...

I love Flair! I hoard them actually, and mostly use them on layouts. Great giveaway... cute, cute pic!

Carlene aka PinkScrapper99 said...

Hi. Those are super cute buttons. I have never tried them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Pamk said...

Havent' use the ac buttons yet but bet the would good as flower centers or just buy themselves.

brenlubrant said...

I use my flair buttons by attaching them to punched out scalloped paper and attach it to a card for a focal point.

gengam1 said...

No,I have not tried them,but I would like to.

mewTilman said...

Flair buttons would be great on dolls or altered objects--not just for scrapping.

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

The thing I like MOST about celebrating Valentine's Day ??? It means there is a BUNCH of stuff that will be coming out for spring!!! delicious colors. can't wait to see it ALL.

Creative Expressions by Lynn said...

I have never used flair buttons, but I am sure I could find good use for them on paper crafts!

Bart and Cindy said...

I've never tried them, but would love to! They are so cute!

{VICKI} said...

Haven't tried them BUT would like too

Shelly said...

Hi. I haven't used them yet, but I would probably just put them in randomly on the page where I see fit.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had any but I would use them because they sure look cute.I'd use them on flowers and tags I think

Tina S said...

Yup-I've used these flair buttons and have more in my stash! They add such cute detail to a layout. I hadn't thought of a flower center. Way cool and plan to use it soon! Thanks for the chance to win some great American Crafts products!

Amberlees scrapbooking said...

im in for this. thank you

Jingle said...

I LOVE Flair buttons! I use them as a quick accent on cards, usually, but I have incorporated them into scrapbook pages, too! They are just fun and easy to pop right on!

Krystle said...

I have never tried using them before but now I might have to!

julie.schellin said...

flair just adds a certain something...I use it in random places: letter middles, flower centers, in a cluster of embellishments.

~Tonya said...

I love the flair buttons! I use them for centers of flowers, put them on tags and so many more uses.

Thank you for the chance to win!

Leonie Castro said...

Hello Scott!
TYFS those great giveaways! They look sooo beautiful! Flair buttons look sooo cute! Hope to get some soon...

Karla Anderson said...

I love flair buttons - very fun! Great for flower canters and on corners of photos.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff, I haven't tried the flair buttons, but would love to. Thanks for the chance to win. Love the blog.

pooky said...

Hey you guys:)))) Never tried them before but sure would like the chance! Have a super week!

Bonnie said...

I haven't used the AC Flair buttons before but, they are definitely something I'd be interested in trying because I love to use buttons as flower centers!

Pammejo said...

You never can have enough buttons, brads or embellishments. So much to do with all of them, the sky is the limit

Elbereth said...

Is this open to US only? I'm from Canada, so just in case... I'd love to try out those flair buttons. Thanks!