Just when I think I'll never post another Gila Monster, something like this happens. Not on a wall, not camoflaged on rocks, but in the pool! Believe it or not he/she was moving around on the bottom. Scott pulled him out and he walked away!

I took this shot the next day. Looks like he's hanging around. Too bad my dogs know this, because they are on the lookout!
OMG OMG OMG I would have been screaming my head off - no way I could live in my house knowing I have that in my backyard! YIKES!
It's the large snakes that get me running. The Gila Monster is slow, but don't let either into the house or I will be screaming. Well, actually we did have a small snake sneek into the house and we all were screaming! That was years ago and I don't wish to think about it.
OHHHH NOOOO! They would have to send me to the emergency room if there was ever either of those in or around my house! I get anxiety just thinking about it!
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