Sunday, December 5, 2010

BlueMoon Newsletter and GIVEAWAY

New We R Memory Keepers
Sew Easy and Wide Eyelets are terrific New tools from We R Memory Keepers.  Super easy
to add thread to your paper crafting using the Stitch Piercer.  We have the popular
Wide Eyelets as well as the Standard size - fun colors.
Curio Receipt Holder
Here is my 7gypsies Receipt holder update.  A totally fun project playing with 7gypsies receipt holders.  The hardest decision is where to hang it and how soon until I make another- lol.
How about trying a Christmas receipt holder -maybe 12 days until Christmas?
Win a 7gypsies receipt holder - Create!

Leave us one of your festive holiday memories in the comments
section and I'll randomly pick a winner in next Sunday's newsletter.  
Free shipping to US residents only.

Marked down - Deals in the store this week
All Making Memories 50% off - except Vintage Groove.
50% off all Bazzill Cardstock.
 Join us as a follower of the BlueBlog or visit us on


  1. When I was a kid my parents couldn't afford a lot. One year they bought each of us 5 girls a piece to a play kitchen. One got the stove, one got the fridge....

  2. Wowwwwwwwwwww! That is BEAUTIFUL Lisa!!! Just loveeeeeeeeeee the details!!! And what an AWESOME GIVEAWAY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Every year I get together with my mom and grandmother and we make cookies, listen to christmas music, decorate the tree and the house, wrap presents and have a nice dinner with the rest of the family. I love your website and thanks for the great giveaway.

  4. wowee, your receipt holder is gorgeous! love all the details :)!
    i loved when our whole extended family would go to my great grandmother's house for Chritmas lunch. she would have a big tree with a money envelope for all of us hanging on it. it was just great to have such a big family party. i miss those.
    thanks for the chance. have a wonderful Sunday.
    *hugs* steph :)

  5. My favorite memory is the Christmas Eve my sweetheart Jay aske me to marry him because he wanted to be a family.

  6. Before we had kids there didn't seem much point cooking a huge Christmas dinner so one year we had beef olives & they were positively awful...funnily enough it's a really happy memory because we laughted so much over how terrible they were!!

  7. I used to wrap presents w/my grandma. She would set up a card table in her parlor and we would wrap for days. She was the most wonderful grandma too! :)

  8. OMGosh this is one awesome giveaway. I just love how you decorated yours. I haven't seen one of these yet, but would love to have one to decorate.
    My favorite memory is when we would wake up Christmas morning and come down the stairs and see all the presents Santa left. Thanks for a chance.

  9. Every year since I can remember we have "Holy Supper" at my mom's house. We eat special, pierogies, pagash, mushroom soup. After we eat we hang out and then we sing Christmas Carols. I can't remember a Christmas Eve in my life where we didn't do this. Such a great family tradition.

  10. Favorite memory is making paper thin sugar cookies and decorating them with sprinkles, icing and nuts. Love the 7 Gypsies receipt holder! Thanks for a chance to win.

  11. Driving to Florida for Christmas because my parents lived there. The kids could get skates and skateboards for Christmas because there wasn't any snow and they could use them! Thanks for the great give-away!

  12. When I was very little we always traveled Christmas Eve to my Aunt's house. On our way back home late in the evening, we could see one of those towers with the red light on top that flashes for planes. For years I thought it was Rudolph's nose and that we had to hurry home because he was almost to my house (my parents never told me what it really was! Thanks for the chance!!

  13. The memory I am sharing has turned into a tradition...taking a picture of my boys and our chihuahua on Christmas day wearing a Santa hat, yes even the dog.
    Wish I can win this great giveaway and turn it into an ever-changing seasonal display. Good luck to all.

  14. I always remember listening for for Santa on the roof when I was a child. That was, until I overheard my dad asking my mom where she hid the special "Santa" paper on Christmas eve! LOL Happy Holidays!

  15. A Christmas tradition in my family starts Christmas Eve. The whole family gets together and makes 100's of tamales that we cook and eat right before Midnight Mass. Then we come home and open all the presents under the tree. When I was very little we used to wait for Christmas morning but now we are too excited too wait!

  16. I've been thinking a lot about Christmas at my grandmother's house lately. Sledding down her hill, building a snow fort in the front yard and stockpiling snowballs for a rousing fight - girls vs boys - and then going inside to toast first one side of ourselves and then the other in front of her old wood burning stove. On Christmas Eve, we were given Roman candles to set off in the snow, and then early to bed. Wish I could do it just one more time.

  17. One of my favorite christmas memories is trimming the tree. We have so many ornaments that hold a family story.

  18. My best memory is also my saddest. At 14 I was really sick and was in the hospital at the Mayo Clinic while the rest of my family was in Chicago. My mom was there with me and we only had each other together for Christmas. We shared turkey on my hospital tray and Santa left a tub sock in my closet with little gifts.

    It was sad not being with my dad and sisters but the time I had alone with mom was priceless.

    26 years later, I still cherish my tub sock gifts and hope to make them in a scrap project soon.

  19. I always remember going to my grandparents on Christmas & my grandmother's lasagna!! :)

  20. The best christmas memories are from my childhood!!! I grew up in Puerto Rico and we celebrate 3 kings day in the country side with all the friends a family. The parties last all day long and there was so much food and gifts!!!
    best regards,
    Happy Holidays!!!

  21. The excitement of Christmas parents wouldn't let us see the tree or presents until after breakfast...then they would throw open the french doors to the 6 of know that saying..."like a kid on Christmas morning"...well that multiplied x 6!!

  22. One year when we came into the living room to see our presents, there was a bit of white fur/cotton on the fireplace screen - my brother & I were convinced that it same from Santa. I would so love this receipt holder - thanks for the chance

  23. When I was 7, my little sister and I were sitting on Santa's lap at a family Christmas Eve party. Uncle Mike went out for gingerail, for the 4th year in a row right before Santa got there! Little sis was telling Santa all about the dollie she wanted, and his snow white eyebrow fell off his face! I grabbed it, and stuck it back on before Little sis noticed it. When Uncle Mike got back from getting the soda, after Santa left, I wispered in his ear that I hope his black eyebrows fall off too!
    Gorgeous work Lisa, always inspiring!

  24. Beautiful sample of what can be done with that. Thanks for the chance to win

    I love remembering my 2 sons christmas when they were not quite 1 and 2. My parents got them a huge playschool sesame street playhouse and they thought the big box would be unnoticed by the boys for a couple weeks. Well they would be caught picking at the box all the time even at that young age they knew it was something great

  25. Wow that is just gorgeous! I love what you did with it.

    One of my fondest holiday memories was getting together with my mom and her mom to bake holiday cookies. It would begin a few weeks before and go right up to Christmas eve. No one was allowed to eat them until Christmas day.

    As adults my sister and I would sneak to my parents house late in the evening and tap on the windows to wake them up so we could enjoy some of the cookies and Egg Nog as we just could not wait to taste those delicious holiday goodies!

  26. My favorite Christmas memory was the year my Dad couldn't find a 'Christmas' tree to cut down in the woods behind our house and brought home a magnolia tree instead. It was beautiful once we got it all decorated and it has certainly been the most talked about Christmas of all our Christmas memories.

  27. I remember traveling a lot on Christmas Day to see family. In the car, we'd sing Christmas Carols and enjoy our new gifts that Santa had just delivered. Wonderful memories!

  28. Uno de mis recuerdos más especiales es precisamente una cosa que he hecho esta misma tarde, hacer roscos de Navidad con mi abuela! Me encanta, besitos.

  29. My favorite memory is, when I was growing up, we would play Christmas music and decorate the Christmas tree and the house.....really filled everyone with the Christmas spirit :)

  30. WOW! Love the receipt holder! One favorite Christmas memory is simply that in 2006 we were able to have my parents visit our home on Christmas Day- something we had not been able to do for several years because of juggling visiting my husband's family-this became extremely special because my mother had a stroke and passed on to eternity just 4 days later.

  31. I woke up and Santa had left a doll house. I played with it for hours and then went back to bed to wait until morning when everyone got up.

  32. One of my best memories is playing with all the toys we got at my grandma's house on Christmas Eve. It was always a madhouse with my brothers, cousins and me all running around. Such good times!

  33. The most precious memory now is when we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day listening to stories about my granparents and parents lives.

  34. Growing up in Kansas we went to the christmas tree farm to get our tree... i remember the snowball fights while looking for the perfect tree to cut down. then it was always to fun to see mom try to get the tree in the house (sometimes it was kind of big). My kids miss out - we live in a city where it doesn't snow and we have to get our tree from the nursery. :-(

  35. Some of my most favorite holiday memories are when we would all drive to California to spend the holidays with our aunts and uncles and cousins. Because there were so many of us (about 30), we did Secret Santa instead of trying to buy presents for everyone. The best part was always seeing who got the invariable gag gifts from my prankster older male cousins - once, an old tennis shoe hidden in a beautifully wrapped box; another, an old luggage key wrapped in a gorgeous jewelry box, etc. - they always gave us some of the biggest laughs of the festivities!

  36. My son surprised me by bringing my daughter from another state. Hadn't seen her in 3 years. Best Christmas ever. Thanks for chance to win giveaway.

  37. My son surprised me by bringing my daughter from another state. Best Christmas ever. Love the Giveaway thanks.

  38. Love the receipt holder. Gorgeous. Favorite holiday memory? I love going every year to the mountains near my home and cutting down our tree. It is always tons of fun hiking around the woods.

  39. Wow, what nice giveaway! I would LOVE to have one of these. Love the style. ♥

  40. My own Barbie House: That's all I wanted one year long ago. My two sisters hatched a plan to build one themselves. They put so much work and detail into it-they made working lights out of Christmas lights, real carpet in all the rooms AND stairs, real tile for the kitchen floor and real wallpaper. They even use these little red bricks to make it a brick house. It hardly cost them anything cause they just asked for scraps from different businesses and they used the glass out of small picture frames they found at a garage sale for the windows! It may have leaned a little but it was the most beautiful doll house ever! I kept it well into my teens but like all of us it eventually gave in to age. Out of all the gifts I received growing up, that homemade, slightly leaning doll house was and is my most beloved memory and I will always cherish it and my sisters for giving me the memory always! God bless all of us and Merry Christmas to you all!!!

  41. One year,we attached jingle bells to a tree,then a series of ropes reaching up to our back deck about a block away in the husband would go out and pull to rope to jingle them while our daughter and friends listened in awe from the side deck to wht they knew was Santa in the distance!

  42. What a generous giveaway!!!
    We are only 3 in our family and like to always spend our Christmas day alone. No relatives and no time driving, in a big rush to different places.
    It´s just us in our pajamas all day long. We even opens some of the presents during the day just so we can enjoy all things we wished for all day long and not just in the evening. ( Comes from sweden.)
    And every year we have a lottery deciding which one of us is going to be Santa in the evening.
    Our cutest Santa ever was when our daughter played Santa only 11 years old! We love our christmas as we do it!!
    And this year I know i'm gonna get a parcel of curio-paper and stickers from Bluemoon Scrapbooking!!
    So glad to get a sneakpeak of it in your beautifully made tray!!!
    Can't wait for Christmas!!!

  43. what a fun and cool giveaway!!! WOW... my fave holiday memory is just getting new pjs for Christmas eve and then wearing them on christmas day, it's something I do with my kids now and just look forward to it every year!!!! it also makes for fun pics

  44. Love the receipt holder and the way it's embellished! One of my favorite memories as a kid is coming home with my brother and sisters after midnight mass and my parents waiting at the door to usher us through the living room to our bedrooms so we couldn't see what Santa left for us!

  45. Wow! That is awesome! I loved when my whole family was able to get together all at once for Christmas. I'm the oldest of 9, so just the immediate family is about 50 people. Now that our mom is in a nursing home, we still try, but it's not all of us anymore. Really miss that.

  46. Making GingerBread Houses with my kids and now my Grandkids! Love It!

  47. Our first Christmas together as a family is my very favorite memory!

  48. I remember the first year I didn't believe and to soften the blow my Mom let me wrap Santa's gifts for my little sisters. There was this awful science fiction movie on about grasshoppers eating up the world on TV. We had special Santa paper, cookies and a monster movie on while wrapping. It became a tradition and to this day I still put on a moster movie, have a plate of cookies out and wrap presents, only now it's with handmade paper, and the gifts I wrap are for my daughters.
    Thank you for the chance to win such a versitile piece!
    Jackie in Alaska

  49. For most of my life I have memories of going to my older sisters house to celebrate our big family Christmas which always took place on Christmas Eve. When I went home with my mom and dad we would often go to the midnight candlelight service at church. I have so many wonderful family memories from way back then. To this day we still go to my older sisters house on Christmas eve!

  50. Christmas Eve with my Grandpa when he was still with us - he was so much fun!

  51. Christmas Eve with my Grandpa when he was still with us - he was so much fun!

  52. My fav Christmas memory was the last time the entire family was together for Christmas and it was the year before my mom died. We all made a special effort to gather together and it was so much fun.That was 2000

  53. Fav Christmas memory would be my daughters first christmas, we of course are video taping and she passes gas on my lap, we couldn't stop laughing, LOL.... great giveaway!!!

  54. One of my favorite Christmas memories is when I was about 8yoa sneaking under the tree and peeling back little layers of wrapping paper each day to see what was in a huge package! By the time Christmas arrived I had nearly unwrapped the entire gift! Heehee, oh so sneaky, so I only giggle when I see my kiddos doing the same thing! Love that receipt holder!

  55. I remember when we were little we would leave milk & cookies for santa & carrots for the reindeer. We would go to bed early so santa would come. I'd try to stay awake as long as possible straining my ears for the sound of santa's arrival. The year I thought I heard his ho ho ho I nearly fainted! I closed my eyes so he wouldn't see me peeking but not to worry, I fell fast asleep!

  56. One of my fondest memories, was waking up Christmas morning, and running to our stockings that were hung on the mantel. Santa always had some fresh fruit in them for us.................and the orange..........always had a hidden surprise.............a whole quarter!!!! Oh we felt so rich!

  57. Love this project! I remember getting a used bike to share with my brother when I was about 8. We were so happy to have it we didn't really care that we had to share.

  58. My grandma would always make her livingroom into a secret Christmas room. The livingroom had a door and it would be locked for we could not peak in. We had to wait until after Christmas dinner and all the dishes and kitchen were clean before we were allowed to go in the secret room. Wow, when Grandma opened the door, our eyes would be opened big because of the beautiful tree, decorations, presents and yummy candy bowls full of candy. I wish I could go back to those wonderful times.

  59. Awesome giveaway!... Every year I host a cookie exchange with my girlfriends. It is always fun to do the baking, and then get some time to catch up during the busy holiday season.

  60. We always have crackers at Christmas Eve Dinner. We pop them, everyone puts on the silly hats and reads out thier jokes and riddles. It always gets us all laughing helplessly. Of course, the champagne helps...

  61. love the details on the recipt holder, so many ideas you can use. it would be wonderful to use as a memory piece... my favorite memories are when i would host christmas eve with my whole family and we would all gather in the living room after dinner.. the tree lit, christmas music on.. and all the little ones excited about opening presents.. sadly this is the first year without my mom.. so it will be bittersweet.. so as i said.. a memory christmas piece would be perfect for all those neat little nooks.. :)
    thanks for your wonderful shop.. it sure is an enabler .. lol
    big big hugs

  62. Your receipt holder is beautiful! I would love to make one. :)
    My fave holiday memory is my oldest son's 1st Christmas. He was born Dec. 15th & I'll always remember sitting next to the tree with him in his little Santa suit thinking that he was the best gift I could ever ask for.

  63. I remember just before Christmas when my son was not quite 2 years old. He wanted to play with some balloons Santa had given out at daycare. He would play with a balloon until it popped. Then he would cry a minute, ask for another balloon and play some more. Each time the balloon would last a little longer. He did this through 5 balloons. I was amazed that the balloon popping did not seem to really bother him. He was just mad he had popped it. That Christmas my brother gave him a jack-in-the-box. We all figured it would have the same effect on him. Well, it did not work out. He hated the thing. He would play it up till the last minute before it popped out, but not any farther. He would run out of the room if someone else finished playing the tune and made jack pop out. He would tell you no, don't play it any farther. Jack had to be inside the box at all times. We tried everything including laughing and acting like it was funny when jack popped out. Nothing worked. For some reason he did not like jack. We finally removed jack and his spring and made it a box that played music. Then he loved it. You never know what a child’s reaction is going to be.

  64. Pat aka Scrap WizardDecember 6, 2010 at 5:52 AM

    My favorite memory is being woke up at 5am by my daughters who already had my coffee brewing. They learned to make coffee early since it was the only condition that allowed them to wake me before light!

  65. Ohh I love this receipt holder!! I would love a chance to win it :) We always got to open one gift on christmas eve. It was always pajamas. I now do this with my kids.

  66. WOW, beautiful! I so want to try one of these! My favorite childhood memory is... when we would wake up super early in the morning to open gifts there were always ash boot prints from the fireplace to the tree! It was always so exciting! Thank you for the opportunity! Regan

  67. One of my favorite memories was the year SANTA woke me, my brother and sister up to open our gifts!

  68. I remember the most wonderful handmade countdown advent board Mom would make with paper swing out doors that hid candy for my sister and I each day. That was my FAVORITE memory ever on Christmas!!

  69. So many memories of wonderful moments. When we lived in Iceland the Air Force would continue to give us updates on Santa's whereabouts as he was nearing closer to Iceland. The kids would stay glued to the radio as long as they could.

  70. One of my best holiday memories is standing at the stove & making fudge with my mom.

  71. My most favourite holiday memory is when my grandparents used to put up the most fabulous Christmas display in their yard. My grandpa made the whole display. He had Santa in his sleigh, angels, a nativity scene. It was just stunning.

  72. One Christmas morning, I discovered Santa's footprints in the fireplace ash. At last, I finally had proof! The following Easter I circled the house looking for bunny tracks in the morning dew. Ha!

  73. So manny memmories....but i love that when we lived abroud we always went back home for christmass every year, sometimes it took us more then 30 hours driving because of the bad weather. But i loved the face of my grandmother when we arrived, she always had some hot coffee and pastry waiting for us. She died a couple of years ago and i still mis her every day, christmass is just not the same without her.

  74. When my girls were small, we stepped in some talc powder and stamped the boot in front of the fireplace and they were so excited to think it was Santa's footprint.....what fun that was--now they are 18 and 20..miss the days of wonder....ksh

  75. There was one Christmas that stood out for me. as a child.
    It seemed like everything i had ever wanted, santa delivered!
    my sister and i were told to bathe early being Christmas eve and all. We would need our rest for gifts in the morning.
    and to our delight, our parents announced HoHO had come by while we were getting cleaned up. Imagine that!!
    Everywhere i looked another toy gleamed up at me, the red scooter, (the manuel kind), a metal dollhouse with the retro bakelite furniture, etc. Most of the gifts weren't wrapped but did wear a big red bow. Back then it seemed like oodles of stuff, but in reality i probably only got those 2 gifts and that was more than enough! Hours just setting "up house" and riding that scooter as soon as the sun rose the next day. I think the surprise of santa making an early visit, the tree lights all glowing and sparkly and us in our matching nightgowns and robes was magical.
    Those are the types of Christmases i hope i have passed down to all of my little ones over the years.
    i am so grateful to have been brought up with amazing parents, and loving siblings. That is the best Christmas every year.

  76. My favorite memory when I was a kid was making cookies and Carmel with my Mom. The others would help, but only mom and I stayed up waaaaay late wrapping the Carmels.

    Now, I go to my mom's with my girl's and we stay the night and bake until our heart is content. We still make Carmels too.

    Beautiful receipt holder of for counting down to Christmas.

  77. When I was younger my parents would take me to see the Nutcracker ballet. I loved it! For the years we did not go to see it, on Christmas Eve we would watch the movie "The Nutcracker" and then we would have cheese and crackers, egg nog and hot chocolate. I would float around on my toes pretending I was Clara and then in the morning I would wake up to a tree full of presents. Thanks for the chance to win! Your tray is gorgeous!!!

  78. i must have been about 6 years old and i got a quilted robe and matching quilted slippers in blue. my sister's robe and slippers were pink. i remember thinking they were the most beautiful pieces of clothing i'd ever seen. we both slept in robe and slippers that night!

  79. i remember one year when i was 11, going to radio city music hall with my mom and sister. we saw the rockettes and walter matthau in a show. new york at christmas time is magical!!
