Sunday, January 3, 2010

How about starting the year off with a fabulous giveaway... Art Journaling Calendar from Stampington Magazines.  Leave a comment and tell us if you have a new years scrapbooking resolution for 2010.

I'll randomly pick a winner from the comments later this week.
Giveaway shipping is free to US residents only.


Debbie said...

I'm starting an art journal this year, by taking an online class that starts tomorrow. After the class is over, I hope to add to it at least weekly.

Divine Design said...

My scrapbooking resolution is to scrap photos of my family even if the photo is less than perfect. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome candy!

jacque4u2c said...

My goal is to add more jouranling to all my layouts.

Justine said...

My scrapbooking resolution is to set time aside with a friend to scrapbook. I find that if I get out of my house to scrap I get so much more done.

Donna Matoi said...

I've decided to scrapbook monthly layouts of my husband and 3 dogs life, just because you don't have kids, you can still scrap. I wish you everyone a wonderful 2010 and hope all your dreams come true!

~* steph :) *~ said...

Happy New Year! My goal is to keep my scrapbooking and craft stuff organized. Also, to finish a scrapbook of my doggie. Have a great day!

Scrapamum said...

My resolution is to scrap things other than my girls. They are what got me into scrapbooking but now it is time to step outside of the box and try some new things.

deb famularo said...

I'm trying to use what I have and spend less on scrapbooking items. Whoops, I just broke it cuz I ordered from you today! So does this count! lol

Stephanie (steffogal1) said...

Happy 2010! ~ new yr resolution = less youtube video watchin! LOL
with a grin,

Stampin Mindy said...

My scrappy new reays resolution is to get published in a magazine this year!

juliaom said...

Are you kidding me, Stampington steals my heart everytime.
My NY scrapping resolution, is pare down, cull out what I can't use and donate it to whoever wants more stash. I am way overstashed!!

Lena said...

I'll get more organised and try to keep my scrap area tidy.Seems so easy but I am having problems lol.Hopefully I'll also participate in many mini album swaps too!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

ohhhhhhhh this is an awesome give-away! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

moagirl5 said...

I'm just going to find more time to scrap.
I tend to do everything else in my life first and then
if I'm still awake, I'll scrap. This year I would like to change that just a bit.

Kristie Maynard said...

My resolution has a bit to do with scrapping. I have a personal website, I guess you could call it a blog and I am making a resolution to keep it up this year. It is more a family/personal blog than for scrapping, but I do post some of my creations there. Also I want to get moving on posting things for sale on Etsy. I have set up my store, but don't have anything in it yet.

Keely Livings said...
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LisaReed said...

My New Year's resolution is to create more! January is my favorite month for starting new projects and getting inspired. There is something about January 2nd that just gets my creative mojo flowing. Yippee!!

Keely Livings said...

My scrapbooking New Years Resolution is to get my scrap studio more organized and more user friendly. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

My goals for the year are to have my craft area better organized and to if I haven't used it in the last 3 months it goes! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome blog candy!

ruth said...

mine is to get all my finished layouts in albums! stacks of them.

tccba said...

I will look seriously at making my hobby profitable in some way--or at least try to get published! Thank you for the chance to win!


Abbey said...

I'm hoping for at least a layout a week or 52 layouts total. It may not seem like much, but with two very little ones I'm trying to be realistic

pattyb said...

My resolution this year is to keep my art area organized and to finish a project before starting another project. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year 2010!

Tina S. said...

My scrapbooking resolution is to finish our European trip scrapbook. We took the trip almost 5 years ago! Eeeek! But I WILL finish it this year!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Happy New Year to you and Scott. My only resolution is to Keep on keeping on. I made several good changes in 2009, just need to keep them up. KEEP is also my Word for 2010. Keep on my journey, Keep the Faith...


Melanie Stanczyk said...

OMG, Can I play? Probably not, but I love that calander!!!!!!!!!!

Officer Mom said...

I have two resolutions. One is to finish my baby girl's first year album. And two, redo my son's first year album which was ruined.

Mary Lou Kemp said...

Since I'm and old dog and have made quite a few New Years resolutions that never panned out I decided not to make one this year. Instead I promised myself a clean working are to scrap and work on crafts.

Anonymous said...

My resoulution is to be published. I have worked so hard on all my scrappin for the past 7 years, that I feel I need to get my foot in the door and get noticed. So I'm blogging and talking my way to a chance of being published!!

Happy New Years

Anonymous said...

My plan is to not spend so much time deciding on my layout plan and also try to use some of the supplies I have stockpiled, or else give them away.

Wendy Thayer said...

My resolution is to embark on the projects I've set up for myself and actually use all the supplies I've amassed!

Kristy Hansenwi said...

Happy New Year Lisa and Scott-My "goal" is to organize what I have so that I truly use it and not go buy something else when I had something that would work (or even the same thing). I want to learn a new technique each month. Thank you for the

Unknown said...

New Years start scrapbooking. I started small a few months ago with ATC cards to just get my feet wet and now I'm completely hooked!! So to that end I placed an order with you today...what a great way to start the year!!!

Dianne Yamada said...

My gosh is it a new year already!! I guess my scrapbooking resolution is to organize my time better!So I can get more done!

nancy said...

I am intimidated by layouts, so my resolution is to make one layout a week.

Erika M. said...

I'm committing to scrapping or creating at least 3 times a week and submitting to at least 10 different challenges!

Donna VW said...

I hope to grow my blog this year.

Anonymous said...

My scrapbooking resolution is to actually scrapbook! I didn't hardly do ANY scrapping last year, so this year I want to get back on track.

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

2K-10 ..... the year of inspiration (I HOPE) ..... it may be something that inspires me or ME inspiring (or mentoring) someone else - dily would be great .... weekly is probably more realistic. I am going to hit the ground running!!

Linda the GiddyGardener said...

I have begun a dig-out to organize my scrap area. That way, I can actually scrap and stamp instead of just read about it!

Renay said...

I have a couple goals for scrapping this year. I want to do a 365 photo scrap project, and I want to finish up getting up to date with my scrapping. I started this summer and got about 3 years done. I have 3.5 left!!

The Mize of Texas said...

To just get it done!

Leah's Crafty Life said...

My goal this year is to make sure I scrap MORE! I do not have a numerical goal.. just a, "I know what's going on in the scrapping industry, & be caught up on my current photos scrapped, satisfaction!"

Cherry47 said...

My resolution for 2010 is to try to get and stay organized. My scrap room is a mess.
Happy New Year,
Sharon C.

brenlubrant said...

My goal is to take an altered arts class given by a nearby community college. I want to expand my creativity.

pollie said...

I have resolved to just get organized overall in my life which I firmly believe will get me organized in all aspects which will include having more scrapbooking time and getting the long list of album ideas I have in my head a little closer to completion. Love this wanted to buy it but haven't yet!

Millie said...

I have scraps at my house one weekend a month soy resolution is to make one page or layout for each session. That means I will get 3 pages done each month which also means I will stay at least close to being caught up.

Nancy Jensen said...

My resolutions involve getting better organized which includes my scrapbooking supplies. I also have a resolution to go with my friends to a monthly scrapbooking night so I can get more done. I also want to keep my blogs up to date. I have a family one and a craft one. I haven't been updating either one lately and I would like to.

Theresa N. said...

Finish more projects. :)
Theresa N

chris a said...

My goal is to go through some of my earlier layouts and redo them - to use some of the skills that I have learned to make them better.

Do What You Love said...

My scrap booking resolution is to start a craft class at the local community center and get the women there involved in some fun stuff! ;D

Tiffany said...

I have a resolution to scrap one page a week, hopefully one for each child, but alternating if I run out of time.

A Sarasota said...

Those LOs above are gorgeous! My goal is to get all my pages in albums and do a month by month calendar 2-pager for Project 12. Thanks for the opp!

Jingle said...

I want a new pressure crafting year, so my resolution is to not try to force anything. Just do what I wanna do!

Anonymous said...

My goal is to do at least 1 layout a month, 1 page in my "Alice" book, and 5 cards. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I go months without doing anything sometimes and then I go crazy. Plus I would like to have a backstock of cards to have on hand.

Viji Siddharth said...

Wow! I have a painting blog! This would give me a kick start again! Been long...thanks for the chance!I want to pick up my brushes again this year...

Maggie said...

My New Years resolution is to be a better scrapbooker. Keep up on my photos so I don't scrap months later.

KnitterPam said...

My resolution is to try new mediums this year in my scrapbooking, cardmaking and projects. I only touched the surface last year. I give myself permission to try anything at any time!

Katarina said...

I want to be invited as a guest designer for a couple of challenge blogs.

Kim Faucher said...

My resolution is to take more photos.. Im not sure what happened in 09 but 2010 will be a photo filled one!!

cami said...

My scrapbook goal for 2010 is to get it done! Like... write down my feelings before I forget, print out the pics I want to scrap so that I have them ready to go, finish more layouts and be more "homemade" with gifts and such.

Dria said...

Wonderful products- and I love what you and your dt do with them!