Sunday, January 24, 2010

CHA update Prima Flowers, Cosmo Cricket and Melissa Frances

Scott ordered
Cosmo Cricket- Material Girl, Joyride and Garden Variety Collections, plus some awesome alphas.
BoBunny, Technique Tuesday, Sassafras, Hambly Studios Screen prints, October Afternoon, Making Memories -Vintage Groove and Fancy Pants. I'm sure I'm missing some companies but this gives you a good overview of the day.

Melissa Frances -Scott gave her products a WoW!  Lots of extra special goodies here.

Wait... I can't miss the huge Prima Flowers order -papers, flowers, bling, stamps, fabulous ribbon, all absolutely gorgeous in the Prima Style!

Thanks for tuning in don't forget the challenge was posted earlier -we'd love you to join the design team and play along!  Melanie will post her first Challenge layout tomorrow on the Design Team Blog.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Scott got everything!Some names I have not heard of. Thanks for the info, hoping for some good peeks.

silvia said...

Sounds like a super time at CHA~ can't wait to see alll the yummy goodies.

Melanie Stanczyk said...

wow, even more stuff!!!!

I hope Scott makes it home safe...with a video!

Scrapthat said...

Sounds like tons of goodies...OOooo Prima's! Got to love 'em!