Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Christmas Book and Giveaway

Join Rahel Menig in creating a wonderful Christmas Book at  This book is designed to take the stress out of the Christmas daily
journaling.  You will have time to scrap, enjoy a cup of hot cocoa and capture memories in a beautiful journal.
Don't miss this class called The Christmas Book - here!
Rahel writes:
Christmas is just around the corner and we are getting ready for the festivities, writing down ideas, wish lists, recipes and more. I personally have lots and lots of little papers and sticky notes sitting around during this busy time – half of them get lost in the chaos... I end up getting frustrated and of course, that is not the goal of the season!

The December Dailies or Christmas Journals that I commit myself to each year don't get filled (other then the first three or four days) and once Christmas Eve has passed I regret not having captured more memories...

This made me think. I brainstormed for a good resolution and then it hit me! I don't want a journal that makes me feel I need to do something every single day, I need something entirely different. I want to prepare a book before Christmas and then I want to enjoy and capture the season with my camera and maybe a few journal posts. That's it! No pressure to create a page every single day, but the fun and joy that this season brings to us.

So this class is not going to make your already busy life even busier, but it will help you to organize, enjoy and capture the most wonderful time of the year in a simple way.

My hope is for you to be able to let go of the idea of committing yourself to a December Daily to be able to capture your life during Christmas. I want you to step out of the box and explore a new system that will help you to relax and enjoy the season with your family and friends.
:D... Rahel

To order and learn more about Rahel's class click here!
To win a free Christmas Book class
To enter answer this question:
Are you wishing for snow on Christmas day?

A winner will be chosen here Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Visit Rahel's blog to have another chance to win.  
We are each giving The Christmas Book Class class away.


  1. How exciting!!! Sounds like an amazing class!! And you know I want snow... living in Phoenix, AZ... we never get it! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I love Christmas books. So much fun! Yes! I do wish it would snow on Christmas Day. How awesome would those pictures be to scrapbook on your 25th day!

  3. I Live in Mississippi and Would LOVE LOVE LOVE for it to snow on Christmas Day, especially for my grandgirls. we hardly ever get snow, but when we do it is a special occasion. Love Christmas Books. Thanks for the chance.

  4. What a fabulous giveaway!!! WOW....every year I wish for a white Christmas but hahahahaha here in Miami, FL, that will never happen!!! The only thing we can do is put our AC's at 60 and pretend it's snowing outside - hee hee!!! Hope everyone has a beautiful white Christmas!!! HUGS, T

  5. This class looks awesome! Yes, I am wishing for snow on Christmas! But I live in Texas, so the chances are quite slim! Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous book!

  6. Would love snow Christmas day but since we are in BC and no one is ever prepared for it, it messes up any plans one might about for Boxing day instead. :D
    This class sounds right up my alley!
    Last year I took pics for most of the days in December and didn't end up doing a DD but LOs...BIG pain!! This year I have made a mini album and I hope to fill it but I am VERY interested in an easier way to get the job done!

  7. So need snow for Christmas!! Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous giveaway!

  8. I wish for snow on Christmas, but living in Phoenix, it just isn't going to happen, so I'll have faux snow inside.

  9. I love Snow and I can't wait for it! It's fun, It's romantic and most of all it's Christmassy. And since I live in Manitoba, hopefully it's just around the corner!

  10. what a great giveaway.

    I wish for snow at Christmas EVERY year! Snow at Christmas is unusual in our part of Europe but last year we got loads and I was as happy as happy could be! I love it.

  11. this sounds like lot of fun, and a great idea.
    And yes I want snow for christmas day, in fact I live in North of Norway and I like it when we have snow in the winter, and it can start at the 1th of december.
    Hope to get lucky this year.

  12. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT wishing for a white Christmas! I live in WI and we do get snow! :( But winning the Christmas Book giveaway might make me change my mind! :D Thanks for the chance!

  13. Class sounds like fun & just what I need! Snow on Christmas Day looks pretty but can make travelling dangerous as we visit family. But a little bit would be nice & add some extra festive magic to the day :)

  14. I wasn't sure when I read the question but then this thought came to me. What if we were all snowed in together, but, with electricity!?! My family comes to my house for Christmas and I just thought what if we were snowed in for the night. How wonderful for 24 hours spent with my family together playing in the snow. We would have enough food leftover and new toys to entertain us when we come in from the weather.

  15. Yeah!! I'd LOVE to win a spot!! I am SO EXCITED about the class that you were talking about with Lisa using the Tim Holtz Canvases too!!
    I would like some snow, but I don't want it to be too horrible!!
    We always travel and I don't like it when it isn't safe!!
    THANKS SO MUCH for the chance to win and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  16. YES!!!!! I cant imagine Christmas without snow!!!! It makes it so magical and for me spiritual.
    Now I live in Chicago so if I had my way it would snow thought the holidays then return to the 70's. (I know Im dreaming, but after last winter I dread winter)

    I LOVE Christmas Boos, special memories for my kids

  17. I would love a snowy Christmas but I'm not sure if that will happen here in California. Thanks for the chance.

  18. This class looks awesome!
    We have a lot of snow already in Russia - Ural region - and we have always snow on Christmas.
    Thanks for nice candy!

  19. Of course, I would love to see it snow on Christmas. I live in the midwest and last year we did have a little snow on Christmas. I am a kid at heart and the snow just makes it seem like all of the pictures you see in your books about Christmas when you are little.

  20. Wow thanks for the giveaway!
    I am wishing for snow this Christmas, but I know I won't see it unless I travel to other parts of the world because I live in sunny Singapore!

  21. Ohh. Snow where I live on Christmas would be a dream come true. It would go own in history.

  22. Well beings how I live just north of Tampa FL, I don'tsomuch want snow HERE on Christmas! We can go to the beach and see white sand...that's a close second to snow, right?! One year I'd like to go spend Christmas somewhere where it DOES snow though!

  23. well i always wish for it but in sunny fl it just ain't happening! hee! it would be a shocker if we weren't wearing shorts on Christmas day! :)

  24. Yes-I always wish for a White Christmas ;-) Probably won't get one in TN, though!

  25. would love snow for xmas. I can only remember it snowing once on xmas day. Would love to see it again.

  26. Well we live in the very North of Germany and usually don't have so much snow. So it would be a great luck to have some on Christmas. My kids wish to have snow on Christmas every year.

    Thanks for the chance to win. The sneaks look awesome.

    Greetings from Germany,


  27. Yes, I have no here to travel too this year so a White Christmas would be Perfect!

  28. I live in northern VA where we often get snow in winter (even a historic 36" dump that paralyzed our region for a week) but we seldom have it for Christmas. So I always wish for better snow timing! :) Maybe, if I'm lucky with this fab giveaway, my luck will continue and we'll have snow for Christmas, too!

  29. No No No snow!
    Last year it snowed on Christmas for the first time in over 50 years..We had so much snow that my husband and I could not travel 60 miles to my daughters and had to spend our very first christmas without our family.
    So snow? no no no!
    I'll never wish for a White Christmas again lol :o)

  30. I'd love to take this class!

    No I don't want snow on Christmas Day, we had it last year and so no one could come for dinner and we couldn't visit!

  31. The funniest Christmas I ever had was when we went to South Africa and celebrated our holidays over there. It was so crazy to see the decorations on the palm trees and to sing Christmas songs behind a BBQ in the sun :).


  32. *** goood LUCKY EVERYONE!! *** SOO EXCITING!!

  33. I´m not quiet sure....we had soooo awful much snow last christmas-you hardly could walk on the pavements...
    But a little bit snow wouldn´t be too bad....

  34. Absolutely I am wishing for snow on Christmas! We had the first white Christmas in Atlanta last year and it was amazing! I'm so excited - I love Rahel's style!

  35. Absolutely!!!!! Earlier hopefully!

  36. There is no way that it would snow here... So might swell wish I could go somewhere where there is snow...lovethekit veryyyyyyyyyyyy much! TFS

    cheryl131091 at yahoo dot com

  37. I would love for it to snow on Christmas! It makes it more festive in my opinion.

  38. What a wonderful giveaway! Yes, I would love snow for Christmas....but that's probably because we don't get any here in Central California! Because seeing snow would make my Christmas more special, I'll probably take a trip to the mountains sometime in December, and then put that adventure in my December Daily album! Thanks for this fun opportunity!

  39. Snow, of course! It would just not seem like the holidays without it.
    If it is fresh-fallen it will be real quiet first thing in the morning.
    ruby t

  40. Yes I would like to have snow. I think it is beautiful.
    Shannon C.

  41. YES, of course I wish it will be snow. Of course we will have it also, I live in Norway and we have a LOT of it in the hole winter..... november to april, usually. Have a nice day everyone!!

  42. Snow for Christmas? Yes, Yes, Yes! It could even start on Christmas Eve. The only thing better would be to also win this fabulous giveaway!

  43. Yes, we have a lot of snow on Christmas. You can see the view around my place - the photos in my blog
    Thanks for this wonderful giveaway/ Hugs. Hlora. xx

  44. Oh yes, I want snow on Christmas. It makes for the perfect setting... but I'd rather it not be on the streets and hinder my family's getting here. Being together is the more important of the two.

  45. Wow this class sounds awesome!! Of course I want snow for Christmas :) it doesn't feel like Christmas without it!! We get lots of snow here in Maine.

  46. I do want snow for Chritmas, and since we just received 4 inches yesterday, I'm pretty sure my wish will come true.

  47. I love snow on Christmas morning! Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. Oh, this looks like so much fun!! And yes, I would love to have a nice gentle snow for Christmas. It always adds to the excitement and coziness of Home for the Holidays!!

  49. This class sounds fantastic!! I would love snow on Christmas

  50. Snow in Florida ~ WOW that would be something. Would love to take this class. The project looks wonderful. Thank you for the chance. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  51. Love the preview of the book....sounds like a fun class. And yes!!!! I want it to snow Christmas day!

  52. This class sounds like a great class and a creative diversion from the busyness of the holidays. With grown children, I have the time to make the book and enjoy it. As far as snow, I hope someone who doesn't usually have it gets the chance this year. We always have snow here in upstate New York. It is pretty, but can ruin company travel plans.

  53. thanks so much for this fabulous opportunity, I would love to take this online class! snow or no snow..I can close my eyes and visualize the beauty and peace that a nice gentle snow gives as it covers the fields behind my house..

  54. Even in Western NY, we've got to have white Christmas!!! Thank you for this giveaway! Kathy

  55. Living in central NY, the snow capital of the US, we have more snow than we usually like. I'd love snow on Christmas day & than no more. Thanks for the chsnce.

  56. Oh, yes! I love snow on Christmas here in mid-Illinois. This class looks great. Would love to win! Thank you.

  57. I am going with Pam's answer two comments up! Winning might make me feel better about snow as we have already seen flakes in the air!

  58. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,just like the ones I use to know....snow angels,snowball fights,hot chocolate and the serenity of a quiet morning while the snow is falling...thanks for the chance to win =]

  59. Yes! I do wish for snow on Christmas and since I live in the Northeast, I normally get my wish. All the snow, makes me want to curl up near the Christmas tree and drink some hot cocoa.

  60. I would love snow on Christmas day especially if I can say home and enjoy it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. I love winter and here in Cleveland it snows alll the time. It snowed last night already! I am wishing for LOTS snow on Christmas day! It make the day seem magical and cozy. Then we exchange gifts and bust out the sleds! Great Giveaway,perfect for wintery photos lol thanks!

  62. No, I'm not wishing for snow because I know we won't have any. I live too far south. Instead I'll watch "White Christmas" and Jean Shepherd's "The Christmas Story" on TV. lol

  63. Snow in Illinois is really pretty good on Christmas. I love it for the day, but then it can go away. Love the book and am thankful for the chance to win.! ksh

  64. I love a white Christmas but worry about travelers so my wish is for a light dusting of snow so that everyone can still get around. This class sounds great. Thanks for the give-away!

  65. Beautiful looks like a wonderful class. I would love to have snow on Christmas day, it just makes the day. Living in Pa I probably will since before Halloween we already had a snow storm..... LOL. thanks for the chance to win this. Hugs, Tammy

  66. Christmas book is gorgeous! I would love to learn to create pages in this style. Please, no snow on Christmas. You know we can't drive in snow!

  67. Yes,in Georgia we always wish for snow. But not on Christmas day this year, as we get to fly to visit my brother in Australia where there will definitely not be snow! I'd love to make this book to bring there.

  68. Gorgeous Christmas book! It can snow on Christmas day as long as that's the only snow for the entire winter! Thanks for the givaway!

  69. Such a lovely book! If no one had to travel, I would say "yes" to snow on Christmas; too much snow means that folks might not get here!

  70. Yes I am wishing for snow on Christmas. That would make a magical time even more magical. But living in the Deep South makes it a very rare thing indeed! This album is perfect for the season! Can I say I want to win it?
    Carole Gatza

  71. There is nothing like snow on Christmas morning...reminds you how special the day is! I love it!

  72. Let it snow, Let it snow, let it snow. Fun fun fun!!

  73. Wow!!!!Dounds like an amazing class!!!! I would love for it to snow on Christmas! It makes it more festive in my opinion.
    In Brazil we e snow in my town, but I love a lot!!!
    Kisses and huges from Brazil

  74. Wow it looks and sounds amazing!! I always want snow for Christmas. I live in Michigan so we usually get it anyway!!

  75. I love it when it snows on Christmas! It is so beautiful! It's like God puts a blanket of snow down to show us a brighter, cleaner day, the hope for a glorious spring!
    It's so nice to wake up to the magic of glistening snow. Snuggling up in a soft blanket drinking hot cocoa!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely and well thought out gift!
    Kindest regards,

  76. I love me some SNOW!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  77. What an Amazing Giveaway, thank you so much for the chance to win!! I live in OH, so the chance of us having snow is pretty good!!! :)

  78. LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW....Makes our Christmas in Prescott, Az so magical. I love to take pics w/ our horses and catch the snowflakes that float from heaven.
    Thank you for the opportunity to have a beautiful Christmas Book for our memories

  79. There is NOTHING as WONDERFUL as a white Christmas so, emphatically YES, I would LOVE for it to snow on Christmas day.

  80. Yes, I wish for snow on Christmas Day!! Thanks for your awesome website, BlueMoon!

  81. Dianna Naugle
    Oh Yes to snow. It Christmas LET IT SNOW. OH yes its going to snow in Wyoming...Di

  82. It is possible for us to have snow on Christmas. I live in Virginia Beach and last year we did get some snow flurries. I love the beauty of it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  83. Well snow on Christmas is always great! Sometimes it's even good to get marooned somewhere, good serendipity!

  84. I would love a white Christmas as we seldom have one in TN. I would love to be able to take the book class as I have never created one. Thanks for the chance.

  85. NO snow please-I know that when I was young that would be fun but not now when I have to drive in it-ugh!

  86. Oh - I would love a little snow on Christmas Eve - so the streets would be clear on Christmas Day!

  87. Wishing for a little touch of snow, so let it snow!!!

  88. Yes! Would love to see a blanket of snow! Thanx for the chance to win.


  89. What an awesome giveaway! I love making journals. I always wish for snow on Christmas day. I live too far south to be blessed with snow on Christmas day.Someday maybe!

  90. We already have snow. Hopefully there will be snow for Christmas. It always makes the day more special. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  91. yes I definately want snow on christmas day!! Its so pretty, and when the trees are covered its like a serene wonderland...Its peaceful to look out your windows while the sound of your fire crackles in the background and see the snow glistening all around!
    What a great chance to win these wonderful prizes. thanks!

  92. Christmas day is the only day that I wish for snow! 6 months of it is too long though....

  93. Yes - but just on Christmas day so the rest of December is easily traveled. Sounds like a a wonderful class! Thank you for a chance to win.

  94. While its been 50 years since we've had snow in our neck of the woods, I still wish for it! We always watch those holiday faves that bring the snow home: White Christms, Holiday Inn, Bishop's Wife....looking forward to a wonderful winter and, fingers crossed....maybe I will win a class! Thanks for the chance! peg

  95. A wonderful giveaway! I always pray for snow on Christmas. It would be a miracle were it to happen, as I reside in South Texas. That doesn't stop me from wishing it would happen, though!

  96. No thanks on the snow, but would love to win the Christmas book!

  97. I love a white Christmas and I'm not traveling this year so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  98. I'd love to have some snow on Christmas! It might help me forget that we had it for Halloween, lol.

  99. Well, I have to say a big no!!!! I'm sorry after the winter we had here in CT, no snow for me thank you! But..winning this class just might convince ma for a dusting;))) Thanks for the chance to win!

  100. Can't say I am wishing for snow for Christmas day. It would be beautiful I am sure but it is always such a hassle for family get togethers. I love the sound of the class and would love to win...

  101. I would LOVE to have snow on Christmas!! Unfortunately, it doesn't happen much around here. win a spot in this wonderful class would make me feel better about not having a White Christmas!! :)

  102. Oooh, what a great giveaway!! As much as i love winter weather, i gotta say No To The Snow on Christmas Day. I'd get stuck with all the food i'll be making and none of my family would be able to come over!!

  103. Ooohhh!!!!!Fun!!!
    NOT wishing for snow!!!Not Thanksgiving,not ever!Well,maybe a dusting Christmas Eve.......

  104. Snow is a rare sight in San Antonio, TX.---- but it would be nice to see a white Christmas--if only for a day.

  105. Great, Christmas and books, what could be better! Snow, not really for Christmas, maybe later so everyone travels more safely.

  106. I would love snow on Christmas. A nice big blizzard is even better. Everyone would have to stay home and spend quality time together without all the chaos that comes from traveling during the holidays. Thanks for the great giveaway. It would be like an early Christmas present!

  107. For all of you wishing for snow you can have all of mine. I live in New England and not fond of snow. So come and get it.

  108. I would love a nice fluffy snowfall on Christmas Day. The class looks great.

  109. The class looks great - snow would be truly magical here at Christmas in Australia

  110. Snow on Christmas Day is always a wonderful thing to have. We started winter early this year in Colorado! I can wait for more snow until Christmas. Thank you for the chance to win the class. Love your store by the way.

  111. I would love to win this class, it will probally the closest I will get to snow this year as I live in Florida. Sounds like a lot of fun making this book. Loved the preview I can just imagine what great things are in store for the lucky winner.

  112. I would prefer snow on Christmas Eve as my family tries to get together on this special day and snow can make driving difficult if not impossible!! The silver lining would be the potential scrapbooking possibilities!! It's a win-win situation!!

  113. Oh do we have snow-already more than we need! I do love a snowfall on Christmas Eve when the whole family is all safe and sound together waiting to open our gifts and have a cozy breakfast on Christmas morning. I would love to win the Christmas class. Thank you for the chance. Happy Holidays to you and yours and to all your followers and fans.
    Jackie in Alaska

  114. Hi! I would love it if it snowed on Christmas! I love snow, especially when it falls late at night, I love to go outside, it's so beautiful! Love Christmas Books!

  115. Last year living in Virginia...we had snow on Christmas day. What a treat. It absolutely made the season wonderful! Hoping for it again!

  116. Even though I live in AZ and do not miss the snow, I would have to say "Yes", I would love snow on Christmas Day. It can melt by nightfall. There is something so surreal and ethereal about a brand new snowfall when you wake up on Christmas morning. It glistens and makes everything so magical! Makes you wish you were a kid again.

  117. We travel on Christmas day so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for no snow!

  118. Sounds like a fab class. I want snow for Christmas, but before is fine. I don't want it coming down and messing up the roads on Christmas day.

  119. Yes, I would love snow on Christmas Day. But I would like it to be gone on the 26th when we travel back home. :)

  120. Always snow on Christmas day! It seals the day as it should with beauty, stillness and calm. what more could someone want for Christmas?

  121. To answer honestly, I'd have to say no...I am not hoping for snow on Christmas day. Living in Michigan, I know it's coming, but I'm just not ready...not even for a lovely white day on Christmas.

    The class sounds fabulous!
    injoy_stampin (at) me (dot) com

  122. Yes, I love it when it snows on Christmas. Here in Dallas we rarely get it, but I grew up in New England and we almost always had snow!

  123. yes, snow on christmas is spectacular, but after that day, not so much liking snow, living in ohio, we get quite alot of snow!! sure would like to win the christmas book class!!!!

  124. I would LOVE snow here with white sand beaches on Biloxi Miss.

  125. oh what a delightful giveaway !!! thank you oh yess I would love for snow on Cristmas..might just get it lol

  126. I love Christmas anything! This class would be fun! I would love snow on christmas day! Thanks for the chance!

    scrappingtodo at gmail dot com
    scrappingtodo dot blogspot dot com

  127. I do not want snow for christmas. We will have my elderly Mom for Christmas and if we have snow as we have had in the past it will ruin Christmas. We live very far away from town and we get snow, we get dumped on. Feet in a short time. So if it snows she will spend Christmas alone and that would be very sad for her and us as well.

  128. We've already had one snow storm in northern Wisconsin, but I guess I can tolerate another one to have snow for Christmas! Looks like a really fun class.

  129. Yes, I am hoping for a white Christmas!

  130. Since we don't have any plans to travel this year, I would love to get snow on Christmas! And I would love to win this Christmas book!

  131. There is nothing finer than to wake up on Christmas morning to an "All White Christmas!" The world is a different place when that happens. Everything is peacefull, serene, and white. It happened last year so I believe it can happen again. So yes ....I am wishing for snow on Christmas Day!

  132. I would love for there to be snow on Christmas Day. The pure white reminds me of the reason for Christmas....that our Lord came to save us all and wraps us in a blanket of love. We live in the northeast and it just never seems like Christmas without the snow. Would love to have a chance at the class and book. FABULOUS!!!!!

  133. Snow on Christmas Day--OF COURSE. In Iowa we most generally have it...but there have been times without it. I love the beauty of the white snow glistening on that special day, it makes it seem so much more magical. After that no more snow would be great! haha never happens that way!

  134. I ALWAYS wish for snow on Christmas---it adds another layer of magic to the day (although it can add nightmare to the travel)! Although we live in an area that can definitely GET snow in Dec. (can you imagine 8 inches 2 days BEFORE Halloween this year???), it most likely will not happen.
    This class looks awesome, and like everyone else, I would love to win it~! Thanks for the chance!

  135. A girl can yes I wish for snow..but living in Florida, I know that it may just be "heartfelt" snow vs the real thing :)

  136. a snow day in southern California on Christmas day would be delightful!

    bev a

  137. Hmmmmm . . . snow . . .? Nope! I am hoping my boys can wear shorts on Christmas! Thanks for the opportunity to win.


  138. I always hope for a white Christmas. It does snow where I live but not that often. Maybe this will be the year :)
    Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class.

  139. Oh this christmas is going to be so special.. see I live in Alabama and I'm going all the way to aztec new Mexico to spend an entire month with my boyfriend of almost 3 years and his parents.... yes that's 1400 miles apart. Our 3 year anniversary is December 5th ! As far as snow.goes. I would love it but we might be able to take. Trip to perryton Texas to visit his.grandparents and other family I've yet to meet. I got to spend 6 days last year with him around Xmas the day I got there it was clear and.pretty the next day while we slept 10 inches of snow dumped and it continued to dump. It was amazing is never seen snow like that. It snowed like that once in my home town in Alabama but I was at least 3 so naturally I don't remember. I'm very much looking forwars to.seeing him! It won't be to much longer and I.will be able to live with him and one day get married and stay together forever.
    I to win this. :3

  140. I am hoping for NO snow this year for Christmas because I will be spending my first Christmas in Hawaii with my family. It will be a nice break from Christmas in Alaska.:D

  141. Wow! What a great chance! Wish I could win!
    Yes, I wish it would snow on Christmas! And it defenetly will be! It's Russia, we have snow here since Octouber till April =)

  142. NO, haha :) my answer to if I'm wishing for snow on Christmas day is a big no. Living in upstate NY we get enough snow, I would much rather decorate a palm tree than have snow. But we usually get some so wish for it or not it comes and usually in huge batches lol. Thanks for a chance to win such a wonderful prize!!

  143. Of course I would love snow here in Florida but it's probably not going to happen! This book looks very cute.
    Brenda Magliacane

  144. Snow on Christmas day? Of course!!!! There's always that chance where I live so we start watching the forcast as the day draws near! The christmas book looks awesome!

  145. Looks like a wonderful class. I would LOVE to have snow on Christmas Day! We got it last year, but were not home to enjoy it. Maybe we will again this year!

  146. I have lived in the Midwest all my life. It wouldn't feel like Christmas if we didn't have lots of snow on the ground Christmas morning. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

    Mary Mitchell

  147. Would love to have snow on Christmas Day!! What a fabulous give-away!!! Sounds like a fabulous class, would love to win!

  148. I am torn, New York has been having crazy weather. I love snow on Christmas gives that day a totally different feeling, but I also don't want the snow to turn into a blizzard... I really want to win, I am new at scrap booking and this would be so great to have and make an awesome present for someone!

  149. LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!!! Great giveaway Scott

  150. Of course I want snow for christmas! Living in Norway it's quite likely that it will happen, but I hope it comes a lot on the 24th (which is when we celebrate christmas) :)

  151. Oh course it should snow on Christmas! Adds to the magic! And thanks for a chance to win a great class! It would be my first online class ever!

  152. Oh, I would love the snow that drapes all the tree branches and makes it look like a wonderland! Perfect Christmas as long as it is with family. Awesome giveaway! I am dying to do an online class sometime! Hoping this is my chance.

  153. A white Christmas would be lovely for my four year old son and German not so much!! Seeing that I'm in Southern California it's most likely we won't be seeing any snow.

  154. This Class Sounds Awesome I would LOVE to win a spot. I would also LOVE to see snow for Christmas. The First Twelve years of my Life were spent around a Toasty hot Fire whist the Snow swirled around and piled up outside.It was wonderful. Then my Parents brought us to live in Australia Ha Ha. So whilst there will be no snow for us at Christmas, I can still Wish for it......

  155. Awesome, awsome! I'd love to see snow on Christmas day. I love to sit on the couch with hot chocolate and watch it fall. So pretty!
