Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sewing Skirt Class

I'm very excited to announce our first online class at StudioBlueMoonOnline.
Rahel has launched StudioBlueMoon with such wonderful excitement and creative energy in her sewing class! Even if you have never sewn, this is the class for you!  Follow Rahel though the whole process - easily, simply and you will finish with a handmade skirt to play around in!  
Skirt Class
Rahel...."Have you ever wanted to get that satisfying feeling of making your own clothes, but are afraid that you will get the exact opposite - which is pure frustration? Well, let me tell you this. I am not a seamstress at all – I am a scrapbooker and for me making my own clothes was far far away from my comfort zone!

There was that love-hate relationship with sewing machines tough. They looked so adventurous, but when I would finally have enough courage to try myself to sew something, it would usually end in an emotional disaster and lots of tears. 

A few months ago I had enough! I wanted to make something that I could wear! Since I had already bought tons and tons of absolutely beautiful fabric (the time the whole thing ended with many many tears....) I was ready and set to go. I had a vision of a cute skirt in my mind and I started to turn on those gray braincells and came up with a very simple pattern. I had no idea what I was doing, but boldly I cut my fabric and started sewing. 

About two hours later I was done, tried it on and oh boy, it was SO perfect! Perfect length, perfect amount of ruffle and guess what, it didn't make me look bigger (which often happens with skirts), but rather young, fun and crafty ;)
I could not have been happier with the outcome and the satisfying feeling and soon I decided that this would be the perfect class to teach! I am not a seamstress, but you wouldn't tell by the skirt! I have gotten many compliments and each time I would proudly and with a big old grin announce that I made it myself

I want to share this with you, it's just such a great feeling when you realize that    you've overcome your fear of wasting time and fabric and are able to finally sew something that you can wear and be proud of!"

:D... Rahel

Order Rahel's class today - here!