Sunday, October 24, 2010


Halloween Eye Candy Giveaway!!!
A box of calorie free treats to make a mini album or two!  
Lots of papers and confections from BoBunny, Echo Park, Basic Grey and more.

To enter 
1.  Be a BlueBlog follower.
2.  Leave a comment and tell us a favorite fall memory.

I'll randomly pick a winner and announce the winner on Sunday morning the 31st.
Free shipping to US. residents only.


Unknown said...

My favorite fall moment would have to be when my mom would rake all the leaves into a huge pile and then we would jump into them!

Tammy said...

A favorite fall memory was taking the boys to Tennessee. We loved the leaves changing colors and the cooler air we are Florida people. It was wonderful to buy the biggest pumpkin we ever had and carve it. Fun times...Smiles Tammy

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwwwwww! What an amazing PRIZE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Gunn (Merete) said...

My chilhood memory was seeing all the beautiful colors and then we start waited for the first snow. That could come late september or early October.
The snow used to come that early here in the North of Norway.

Michels said...

My favorite Fall moment is raking leaves as a family and spending the entire day jumping running and playing, then ending with a bonfire with hotdogs and marshmellows on sticks! So much fun!

Robin Wade said...

We have a lot of favorite fall memories from when we lived up in New England. My husband's family owned a fruit orchard, and we would spend our weekends there throughout the fall helping them with things like making cider & pick up drops! :)

Monique said...

My fav fall moment would have to be when I was raking all the leaves from the yard last fall...the little guy was only about 10 months old, he was crawling all over the yard, in the leaves, he was having so much was so nice to see his face, the joy, the amazement. It was such a wonderful feeling, I felt all warm and fuzzy & of course fell in love with my little guy all over again. That has by far been my best fall day!!!

bethchien said...


Cassie said...

My favorite fall memory is hay rides on the farm. It was a lot of itchy fun!

tk79 said...

I'd have to say that my favorite thing about fall is the feeling it gives me, pure joy. I grew up in FL but have been living in Michigan for the past 11 yrs. I love it!! Some people dread raking leaves, I still think its fun. I love jumping in the leaf piles w/ my kids and taking kids trick-or-treating. Walking down the sidewalk shuffling our feet through all the leaves kicking them up as we go. It seems so simple but I love it. Happy Fall!!! Thanks for the chance to win, great giveaway!!

LG said...

I love the feel of those dry leaves on my cheeks when I was young

TheLastOfNine said...

Favorite fall memory was when we lived in New York and would drive upstate to see all the beautiful colors in folliage. Starting with greens, yellows, oranges, reds to browns, they were the most stuning views.
Gloria H

shellgirl said...

My favorite fall moment is the moments that are the newest to 3 year old son playing in the leaves as they fall in the yard and the excitement he has when he see the leaves changing on the trees. The time is priceless when driving down the street and he is yelling out the color that he is seeing on the trees that are changing! I love this time and KNOW that I will miss it when it is gone!

Jenna Ruth said...

My favorite memory is carving & decorating pumpkins with my mom!

Jackie said...

Our favorite fall moment was going to see the fall leaves changing in Tennessee. It was wonderful because we are from FL :)

Stephanie said...

My favorite fall memory is from when I was in high school and me and my friends would go to the high school football games. We would have to dress super warm and share a blanket on the cold bleachers. The hot chocolate was a life saver!

Lynnette Davis said...

Woohoo! What fantastic prize!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite fall memories is watching the color change in nature. Our tree out front goes from the beautiful greens then fades into yellows and vibrant reds to the golden browns and begin to fall off until all the leaves are gone and the bare branches are all that is left.. A visual cycle of color and change, love it!

Larisa said...

My fave Fall memory is collecting the potatoes in the field when the weather is rainy...
I am a follower for a long while now. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa.

La Chula Fashions said...

Hello I live in sunny San Diego CA. and my boyfriend is from kentucky we went to visit his family in Oct. one year and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was all the fall colors and leaves everywhere just breathtaking .. that has to be one of my most memorable falls...thanks for the chance to win.. tu amiga Kat..

Luann said...

My favorite fall memory (now that I live in a place that really doesn't have a fall) is all the smells of fall. The way all the beautiful color leaves smell when resting on the ground, wood burning fires, crisp air......

silvia said...

Great giveaway!!! My favorite fall memory is the wonderful pumpkins that a woman in my childhood neighborhood would create. Each year she would have a "theme". My favorite was the year that she made "Sesame Street" characters. They were painted and just fabulous!!!

D said...

My favorite fall memory is making a Jack O Latern with my parents and later eating the pumpkin seeds with my mom.

Megan Aaron said...

my favorite fall moment would be the birth of my daughter - or alternatively, cooing, along with the nurses, over her in her 'costume' (a fleece footie pajama with ears) I had made for her.

Nikki's Blog said...

my favorite fall memory as a kid was going to my granpa's farm and picking out pumpkins. It was so much fun to pick them out and then carve them and then roast the seeds. yum. yum.

Louise Dubord said...

My favorite is this year decorating for halloween in our new house. Even if no kids come, we are having a blast!

~* steph :) *~ said...

awesome giveaway! my favorite fall memory is going to the pumpkin patch with my family and picking pumpkins and corn. it's fun to see all the little ones excited and happy. thanks for the chance and have a wonderful week! *hugs* steph :)

Tiffany said...

my favorite fall memory would be the first year we took my son to pick pumpkins. we had so much fun and we have made it a tradition every year since.

Sarabeth aka Sarita said...

oooo how exciting!
our favorite fall memory is visiting salem, ma for halloween weekend a few years ago! we had so much fun-attended a mock witch trial, pumpkin and apple picking, Spooky town- my husband ran scared from some fake spiders! we have never laughed so hard! :) hopefully we will get to do this again real soon.

Unknown said...

My favorite is that first smell of fall and the wwet leaves in the mornings!

Brenda said...

We were out of town one weekend several years ago, and we were drove back past the St. Croix river. It waa a beautiful sunny day, and the leaves were peaking - gorgeous! My son - who was just little - said "look what God painted for us!" Perfect fall memory!

StampinCathy said...

OMGosh!!! What a giveaway.
One of my favorite fall memories are when we take a drive around town to look at all the beautiful changing leaves on the mountains of Tennessee with the family. Thanks so much for a chance.

NitaBugg said...

My favorite fall moments are the times that I have gone to the pumpkin patch with my kids. It would finally be jacket-weather and it was great walking/running through the corn mazes. I'm still trying to get those memories scrapped!

April said...

I'm a follower!

A favorite fall memory for me is going for a drive each year to look at all the amazing colors the leaves turn. We live in the beautiful mountains of NC and the rainbow we see every year is absolutely gorgeous!!

Thanks for the chance to win. :)
- April W

Linda in FWB said...

Best fall memories - cooler weather, high school football, bonfires at pep rallies, making smores... sigh.

Scrap4Therapy said...

One of my fav memories is jumping in the leaves as a kid at my grandmother's house. This was only topped by watching my son spontaneously do the same thing one year here at home!

Abbey said...

I love watching my kids picking out pumpkins.

Erika M. said...

Favorite fall memory involves taking a hay ride and drinking lots of hot apple cider.

Dawn Edwards said...

My favorite fall memory is building Hay forts at my grand-parents as a child.

Crafting to stay sane! said...

My favorite fall memory is of my son jumping in a huge pile of leaves!

Kim C said...

Favorite fall memory would have to be the leaf pile my brothers and I made one year. We worked on it all day and had to get on the fence to be able to get high enough to dive in! And of course the colors of fall ;D

Kristin Summer said...

My favorite fall memory would have to be the hay rides at the local apple harvest festival :)

NatashaS said...

Fall is my favorite time of's so hard to pick one favorite memeory but I guess it would have to be my wedding day (oct.21) this year was actually our 10 year wedding anniversary. :) Awesome favorite kind!!!

Kholoud said...

My favorite fall memory is... wait .. where i live , we don't have fall :O

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite fall memories is the birthday party my parents threw for me when I was about 11. My birthday is the 30th so we always had a dress-up party but this year they decorated the garage like a haunted house.

Audiene said...

My favorte fall memory was when school would start. I loved the chill in the air and getting new warm clothes and the excitement that the holidays were just around the corner. Fall comes a little earlier where I live and doesn't last as long as in other places in the US.

Debbie Fall said...

Last Fall was my favorite. Bought bitty punkins for grandchildren aged 3 & 2. Gave them small globs of paint and brushes. They both immediately blended the red and yellow together to make ORANGE! The punkins were orange and so were they.

Pieces of me said...

My favorite fall memory is going to the pumpkin patch, back then of course it was the hay ride, the petting zoo and of course running through the corn maze. It's still something I look forward to every year only now it's the cider and warm cider doughnuts YUM!

Jen said...

Favorite fall memory - raking all the leaves into a big pile, and then jumping into them!!! Totally missing that right now, living in Southern California, where we basically have 2 seasons!

Miss Jaster said...

My favorite fall memory would be the first time I experienced a REAL FALL. Here in AZ we have faux fall. I went back to Michigan for Fall Break one year, had hot donuts and cider at a cider mill, visited a pumpkin patch for the first time, and just drooled over all the lovely fall colors!

Laura C said...

I love the smell of fall. There is something about the cool air wiht the smell of fall leaves. It brings back memories of jumping in leaves as a child

Cindy said...

I love the wind whipping throught the leaves and the cooler weather. It's my favorite time of year!!

Jessica said...

What an SPOOKTACULAR giveaway! A fav fall memory is catching leaves with my 3 sisters as a kid! Ohhh if we could only go back in time... ;)

Tiffany Leola Johnson~Koehn said...

What a BOO-tiful giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win. Playing in the leaves with my girls every year is one of my favorite things to do!! I LOVE this time of year!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall memory..... throwing my "First Annual Hobo Happening". We had built a home on 25 acres and my husband dug a large firepit to cook "hobo stew" over and roast marshmallows for s'mores......yuh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-mee!!! The stew was very interesting since everybody had to bring a can of food to add to it then eat the concoction out of the can they brought. The hobo outfits were a real "hoot" and a tradition was started that went on for 10 years. What memories!!! Happy Fall, Ya'll!!!!!!!!

Me-Ma Kim said...

AWESOME Give away!! My Favorite Fall moments are taking my Granddaughter Trick or Treating!! The oldest one isn't "into" it that much, but the youngest one is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!! Thanks BUNCHES for the chance to win!! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

Defenetly a follower, how can I not be? lol and my favorite Autumn memory is last year in one of our local parks with my DH and my DD just scraped some photos on my blog x

Janet's Joy said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! My favourite Fall memories are of taking my little ones to Balls Falls for the Fall Festival.

Melinda AKA medialady said...

One of my favorite fall memories is when my hubby proposed to me on Halloween!! That was in 1981 . . . wow, I'm getting old!

Shelly said...

My favorite fall memories that make me PINE for fall is taking my children (19, 17, and now 2) to the local AMAZING pumpkin patch. Traditions like these make seasons changing magical! Thanks for the chance to win!
emailscrappyshelly at gmail dot com
Been following for a while and purchased some products recently! Great prices!

Ashly Margritz said...

WOW great giveaway!! thanks for the chance to win. My fav fall memory was my 3 year old son finding the biggest pumpkin at the patch and saying this is DADDY pumpkin. He asked if he could have it so we said if you can get it to the car you can. So he rolled the GIANT pumpkin all the way to the car!! It was priceless :) HAPPY FALL YALL

Joy said...

My favorite Fall memory is when friends that live out in the country, would load the trailer up with hay and take us on a hay ride, all along the dark, dirt roads and pastures. Then back to the house for a bon fire,hot dogs and roasted marshmallows!! What a great memory!
xoxo Joy

Joanna said...

My favourite fall memories are of days out at the countryside with the whole family, running through the fallen leaves on the ground.

mindy gallagher said...

Awesome prize, I think my favorite fall memory as a kids was going apple picking and taking the hayrides. I feel bad for living in south florida and not being able to do fun stuff like that with my daughter!

Jayne said...

My favorite fall memory is jumping into leaves and going to the apple orchards! Thanks for the chance to win!

Monica L said...

Leave raking at my grandparents with a bunch of us grandkids--I think we ultimately got them piled up but not after playing in them for hours.

Jessica ML said...

The crisp fall days are my favorite--every year!! They are the BEST!

kate blue said...

it involves eating of & my daughter making sweet potato pies and Jewish Apple cake-YUMMO! Love the smells and the tastes :0

Kelly Massman said...

My favorite fall memory was exactly 11 years ago when I married my sweetheart! It's our anniversary today! Thanks for a chance to win, and I'm a follower! :-)

Anonymous said...

In recent years, the leaves from our big maple tree fall late, around Halloween. It's become a family tradition to rake the leaves together, then jump in them and take pictures with our daughter.

[Signed up as a follower, but chose "private," so don't know if I show up to you.]

Tona said...

I'm already a follower ;)
My favorite fall memory is walking through crunchy fall leaves while taking a walk with my husband.

Jennifer said...

I'm a follower!
My favorite fall memory from last year was going to the pumpkin patch to pick some.

Laura Stewart said...

I follow

Raking leaves with all my aunts when I was little - we had a blast at my grandparents house

Cherylle in CA said...

I loved walking home from school and smelling the piles of leaves burning at curbsides. The smell was wonderful!

Cherylle in CA

Michelle Bird said...

Helping my grandma make popcorn balls when I was a kid, and then acting like I didn't know anything about them, when we came to Trick or Treat.

charlene said...

Well, a favorite fall memory for us just happened this month! We had a week in Vermont (a first!) and loved staying in a ski resort. We took a horse led carriage ride and also went horseback riding. Very relaxing and fun week.
at verizon dot net

Donna VW said...

At the time I would not have thought this would become a favorite memory - but as I look back I love to think about the hours we spent raking leaves as a family.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall memories are of my brother and I getting off the bus on a rainy fall day and my mom getting us and making popcorn by the fire, such warm and yummy memories!

wendipooh13 said...

my fave fall memory is all about Halloween... drinking hot cocoa and carving pumpkins together as a family

Nitasha said...

Already a follower! And one of my favorite fall memories {which luckily, I have a photo of} is Halloween about 6 years ago. We had a very busy day...We went to a birthday party, a fall carnival, and then trick or treating! Well, all of the festivities were just too much for my 3yoa son because when we finally arrived home and were able to eat dinner...we found him in his room sprawled out on his back on the floor sound asleep with his cheeseburger in his hand with one tiny bite missing from it! A favorite fall memory and the photo is priceless!

krussellstudio said...

My favorite fall memory is going for a walk through the woods when all the leaves are starting to change. The crisp smell in the air always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for the chance to win such a great kit.

Jennybean said...

My favorite fall moment is from this year - we took the boys on a hay ride to pick pumpkins and go through a corn maze!

Ryansmaama said...

My favorite fall memory is taking my kids camping, and the campfires. Really miss those days. Still camp in the fall, but the kids are all grown and don't always come with us.--Ryansmaama

brenlubrant said...

I grew up in the rural midwest. As a child at my grandparent's house, the whole family would take a whole afternoon walk in the timber. My cousins and I had so much fun just walking in the timber and feeling the nice cool breeze, crisp leaves under our feet and the laughter of the whole family telling stories.

Wendy said...

I'm a Blue Blog follower. One of my favorite fall memories was when I was taking my kids trick-or-treating and my brother-in-law, wearing a funny ape mask, hid himself under a big pile of leaves and jumped out as we walked by...Hilarious!

Kitty said...

I remember working and riding on Homecoming floats for parades in both high school and college. Good times with friends!

Shawninaz said...

We've been to the Autumn Leaf Festival twice now in my husbands home town Clarion PA. Living in Peoria, AZ we don't get to experience a small town feel or real seasons. Clarion offers all of that. It's a very special place.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

My favorite fall memory is taking the children for the drive to upstate NY for apple picking and then going home and turning those freshly picked apples into tasty pies....yummmmmmmy!!! Great memories of fun family times!!!

Scrapamum said...

I have a new Fall memory. We just moved to our new home last summer and discovered a fabulous pumpkin patch. The girls had so much fun there that we had to go back again. This year was even better. There is nothing more great than going for a carriage ride to pick your own pumpkin and then go home and have a nice cup of Apple Cider.

Natalie said...

A favorite fall memory is curling up in front of the TV with my family. We would all be together and watch America's Funnies Home Videos. A good laugh and family time, yeah it's the best!

mamascrapper69 said...

My favorite fall memory would be when I was a young girl living in Lancaster, PA with my mom, sister, and step-dad we had fun raking the leaves and jumping into them. We would constantly rake them just to jump in it. We lived there for almost 2 years. It was awesome.

Enjoying Lifes Creative Side
Stephanie L. Collins

Vicki said...

A favorite fall memory would be the first time my grandson played in a pile of leaves.

Deborah said...

My favorite fall moment would be going to the cottage and seeing all the beautiful leaves, and of course raking up the ones in the yard, we had so much fun!

Lillian Child said...

I'm a long standing follower of your fabulous blog! It's one of my daily places to check for new products and inspiration. My favorite fall moment is when we go to the apple orchard for that first basket of jonathan apples picked fresh from the tree.

NJStampinMom / "Lynn" said...

favorite fall memory didn't happen very often - but it was trick-or-treating in SNOW! Growing up in the 70s in NY... it wasn't the norm but it did happen a few times. Snow has always been my favorite thing and adding the magic of costumes & candy and I was in heaven!

Michele said...

my favorite fall moment was attending the pumpkin festival with my then 6 yr old son. He loved it and had a blast

{VICKI} said...

I'm a follower.

My favorite memory was the Halloween parties I have attended with my young son. loved seeing all the kids dressed in their costumes and the haunted hay rides!

jessica_haley555 said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

craftymomela said...

Wpw, I placed an order with you and you called to confirm it was shipped!!! A real person on the phone. I'm not used to such great service, I believe you have a customer for life. Thank You

Teresa said...

My favorite fall memory was going to Zion National Park for the first time in the fall. The colors of all the trees and water just took my breath away and was one of the best trips I have been on in a long time! Thanks for the great opportunity to win!!

You 2 are awesome :)

Teresa said...

My favorite fall memory was going to Zion National Park for the first time in the fall. The colors of all the trees and water just took my breath away and was one of the best trips I have been on in a long time! Thanks for the great opportunity to win!!

You 2 are awesome :)

huntla1 said...

I remember going trick or treating door to door in our neighborhood, including the stores that were in walking distance, with my friend and our moms. I especially remember one year where I wore a pair of asian silk pajamas that my sister received from the orient during the korean war or something like that. I was much younger than my siblings so I felt really special dressing up as a geisha (or so I thought then) in my sisters silk pjs. Thanks for the opportunity.

Lydia said...

My favorite fall memory is taking my boys to the local park to roll buckeyes down the slide. The tree there would shed them and we would pick up buckets and buckets of them. Then take them to the top of the tall, metal slide and let them roll! They made such a racket!! I loved doing that just as much as they did. Thanks for taking me down memory lane! Great prize package!!

Laura said...

My favourite fall memory is going to the apple orchard as a kid ... we'd pick apples and get a jug of apple cider and then come home and make apple sauce. Yummy.

Pigott Clan said...

my fave fall memory is in college there was this tree in front of the library and the leaves would change to this super vibrant bright red and orange like nothing I have ever seen! Right after my college bff got engaged we took pics of her and her fience under it and he would shake the leaves on her, so cute!

Unknown said...

We don't get much Fall in Texas but we still celebrate it. My favorite fall memory is taking the girls to a local farm/pumkpin patch!

ScrappingHappy said...

wow i love this candy i really hope i won it fantastic crossing my fingers good luck to everyone

Heather (goldiecar) said...

My favorite fall memory, was at college... When all of the leaves changed color and fell all over campus.

scrapalicious1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
scrapalicious1 said...

My favorite fall memory is walking through the park with my family and looking at all the beautiful fall leaves.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall moment is when i would pick pomegranates off the tree with my grandfather. The tree looked just like a Christmas tree decorated with red balls.

Abby Beard said...

Such a cute collection! Favorite fall memories always include leaf piles. But I think my most favorite is taking my son trick-or-treating. He's diabetic so he doesn't get candy very often. He LOVES Halloween and gets so excited this time of year. Though he can't eat all his candy, he loves having a bag full of it to munch occasionally. This kit would be great for all his happy costume photos! Thanks!

zandra said...

My favorite time of year is the fall. Love the pumpkins and the cooler weather! Awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

My favorite fall memory is kicking around through leaves to find dropped pecans.