Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cosmo Cricket Giveaway

With summer officially days away, lets do a summer garden giveaway to celebrate,
in Cosmo Cricket style -a Garden Variety Paper Kit!

Answer this question to enter:  
What is your favorite plant that you will be growing in your garden this summer?

I'll pick a winner later this week!
Free shipping of this giveaway to US residents only.

New Echo Park Paper Walk in the Park Collection to arrive soon and Maya Road goodies!


  1. My fav flower are sunflowers and I always grow them , but I have to say that we cook with lots of tomatoes so that's number one on our list always , thanks for the chance to win

  2. My favorite thing to grow in my garden will be strawberries as I cannot grow flowers to save my life.

  3. Our lilies just bloomed! They are orange and just so pretty against all the other greenery in the garden. :)

  4. Oh but that I had a green thumb. My friend brought me over a cilantro plant, already potted, growing and ready to go. I followed her directions and set it outside on my deck for sun, and within three days it was gone. But I do look forward to those pretty yellow dandelions that grow wild in my lawn every year!

  5. Love this line! Daylilies are my favorite,...no maintenance!

  6. my favorite thing to grow in my garden are morning glories:) Thanks you BlueMoon for hosting this givaway!

  7. My favorite things to grow are things I can't kill....lol. So that would be my fresh mint...planted it once and it comes back year after year, and Mulberries, we ahve a huge bush out back and are anxiously awaiting ripe berries :)

  8. Marigolds of every color, makes the garden beautiful and helps keeps those bugs aways that like to gather on your plants.

  9. Love this Cosmo Cricket paper. I would have to say that it would have to be tomatoes since we have 12 of them. They are so good for BLT sandwiches. Yummy! Thanks for a chance.

  10. ooohhh, STRAWBERRIES! we've grown ONE from our little plant already, and it was yummy! :D

  11. My favorite flower will be a lavender. I love the smell, it is so soothing

  12. Gorgeous line! Love Cosmo Cricket. I alway plant wildflowers. Gotta have lots of color.

  13. Love love love little mini roses...we have some pink and some red this year - so delicate and so beautiful. Tomatoes, too!!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  14. I love growing wildflowers for the kids to pick. Everything else in our gardens is pretty well established and not much more room to plant. Love Cosmo Cricket!!

  15. I am growing CHERRIES!! Because they are cute! And taste delicious :)

    I'm also growing a host of other fruits and vegetables too.. but it's the cherries that really look cute!

    Katie xx

  16. Definitely our tomato plants. I love the taste and smell of the fresh tomatoes right off the plant. YUM! Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. I am going to attempt to grow tomatoes

  18. It's sunflowers for me! We have great fun with the kids as the stems get taller......every day they rush out to see if the flowers have grown taller than themselves yet!!

  19. I do a small veggie garden with only 3-4 things but my favorite is my cilantro!!!

  20. This is my first year for a garden. I'm growing veggies and herbs to make fresh salsa. Yum!

  21. I've been growing a geranium for a month now!

  22. I love homegrown tomatoes more than anything so that is definitely on the list. Plus some sunflowers for the kids and some lettuce (which will probably be eaten by squirrels and bunnies).

  23. Hmmmm, can I use a tree? We just moved to Van Island and learned that we can grow just about anything now. I planted a Kiwi tree and can't wait to taste the results!!!! We also planted our first garden with all sorts of great veggies.

  24. My ver fav are Gerber daisies! I love all the colors!

  25. Since we didn't get to plant the summer squash that we like to grill on the bbq, it would have to be tomato's. I love making homemade salsa during the summer.. Yum!! My DH planted a grape vine and we're patiently waiting for the first grapes to ripen....


    {Pattie's passion}

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

  26. I love to grow squash and zucchini!

  27. I don't have a garden or a green thumb so I am content to collect pretty silk and paper flowers in my scraproom lol!

    Thanks for the chance to win some Cosmo Cricket!


  28. Carrots. Seriously. Fresh garden carrots taste amazing!

  29. We're growing squash in our first vegetable bed and I love it!

  30. My fave plant will be some zinnias that we got this year for the front yard.. we got too much snow and wind, so I don't know if the veges will turn out:(

  31. Weeds! (lol)...My thumb is so not green!!!...So I don't have a garden, but if I did I would grow snapdragons! They are cute and so is the name just like Cosmo Cricket papers! Thanks for the opp!

  32. Annual Vegetable: Tomato
    Annual Flowers: Zinnia
    Perennial Flowers: Lavender
    That's kind of 3 but one of each!
    Who can choose when we've been given sooooo much!

  33. I am not a big gardener as the outside and I do not get along. I seem to be allergic to everything that lives there. Anyway, my favorite flowers have already bloomed. I adore peonies and my wonderful husband planted some for me when we first bought our house. Floral perfection, I'd say.

  34. I kill plants. Call me black thumb. :P

    But I love visitng my mom's garden and taking pictures of her tulips, lilies, & snapdragons!

  35. It's got to be arugula!! No one in my family will eat it except me, so no sense buying it at the store. Now i can go out to my garden and pick fresh baby leaves every night for my salad!! wow!

  36. My favorite is the peony, but I can't wait for the basil to get big enough to pick.

  37. I love waiting for our orange and yellow lilies to bloom each year!

  38. apparently my favorite has to be tomatoes, because they are the only garden plants that survived my lack of attention :)

  39. Hello! I'm pretty new to your store ad blog. nevertheless, I am absolutely looking forward to the tomatoes coming in. nothing beats a fresh tomato in Summer.

  40. I won't be growing a garden this summer, but if I were, my favorite thing to grow is tomatoes. I LOVE tomatoes!

  41. In the veggie garden it has to be tomatoes. We look forward to garden fresh tomatoes every year.
    For flowers it would have to be my hydrangeas because they can be enjoyed both fresh & dried.

  42. I have moved three times in the last five years and I am not "at home" until I have planted some Lemon Verbena. The smell of the leaves is heavenly.

  43. Sadly I won't be growing anything this summer because we are moving, but I would love to grow cherry tomatoes. It's great to go out and just pick one off the vine.

  44. My favorite thing to grow in our garden is tomatoes. There is nothing better than home grown tomatoes. Thanks for the chance to win!

  45. I will be planting sunflowers!! And the hydrangea will bloom soon... :)

  46. There is nothing like homegrown, fresh ripe tomatoes. We have about 10 plants going strong so far. Yum.
    But I love my rose bushes more than anything else I grow.

  47. My favorite is the daylily and they are looking especially good this year. I moved and moved about 50 varieties of daylilies with me. The only bad thing is that there is so much work outside I'm behind on my scrapbooking!

  48. My favorite is big, red, juicy tomatoes and some fresh basil!!!

  49. Honestly, if I could keep a flower alive then that would be my favorite flower. I don't seem to have a green thumb out in the garden but I do love some floral paper.

  50. I don't do anything yard! But if I did, I would grow strawberries

  51. My favorite flower plant that I always have in my garden is black-eyed-susans. My favorite vegetable plant in my garden are my tomatoes.

  52. I am not a garden person but I do visit my dad's and help him with his tomatoes which I love!

  53. I love Cosmo Cricket! My fave plant to grow this summer is a tree...orange tree, I hope.

  54. Love my lavender plants!

  55. The green beans we planted are what I'm looking forward to eating the most!

  56. My favorite plant that I will be growing in my garden this summer is sunchokes. It has a small, tall, white sunflower and a tuber you eat.

  57. We have a raspberry patch that I nurture every year. It's the only gardening I do and we all love to eat the berries straight from the vine, even my dogs!

  58. My favorite garden plants are tomatoes!

  59. We are attempting to grow red and green peppers :)
    Love your blog!

  60. love the papers and bluemoon my favorate will be watermelon i call it my manna from God

  61. Definitely tomatoes.

  62. squash cause we have it running out our ears lol and tomatoes cause I want one now and same with watermelons.

  63. Definitely cilantro...I can't get enough of it! I love the smell too :-) Thanks, Bonnie

  64. Well well hard to pick a favorite with so many nice ones out there to choose. I would have to say my favorite this year are the "Mexican Sunflowers" this is the first year working with them and they are beautiful. My favorite flower of all time is the "Shasta Daisy"
    Great question

  65. I have planted Hibiscus my favorite flower in red, pink and yellow.

  66. I would love to grow a garden but living in the desert.... the dirt doesnt really help and the sun would probably kill it in a day.LOL!! I'll just stick with cactus!! love the giveaway!!!

  67. I would have to say tomatoes... I <3 fresh tomatoes in the summer.

  68. My favorite garden plant is always watermelon!!

  69. My favorite is cilantro, so I can meke yummy salsa.

  70. I will most definitely be growing some herbs once our landscaping is done! Crossing my fingers that I can at least growing those.

  71. Wow love CC, and what a fantastic prize pack! Every year I plant impatients, I love to watch them grow, see pics at http://twin2u2-scrapaddict.blogspot.com/search/label/Garden

  72. Flowers - I still like day lilies - so simple and easy to grow. Veggie wise, it would have to be brussel sprouts. Weird, I know, but they are a favorite around here.

  73. Tomatoes! I wait all year for the first one. My favorite thing about summer! Thanks for a chance to win

  74. My favorite flower in my garden is the plumbago. I have many of these.

  75. My favorite plant is the bleeding heart - reminds me of my grandmother. Would love an entire garden of just this flower.

  76. i'd love to grow some star gazer lilies... the white ones smell the nicest

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  78. My favorite flower is the tulips, they are blooming right now.
