Sunday, December 13, 2009

For this giveaway money is no object. You want the ideal Christmas (or any holiday) Family Photo. Where would you take this shot?

I'll pick a winner later this week.
Giveaway shipping is free to US residents only.


  1. Hmm... We already took our family photo and thought it was priceless! A friend came over - who is a scrapbooker as well, and for no charge, she took lots of photographs of our entire family.. It's been about 8 years since we had a family photo done... and now we have lots of shots that are, again, priceless!

    Of course, making prints is the expense.. So, getting back to the question.. If money was no object I think I would buy some beautiful frames, and in each put three different shots of us, and then send them to all the people we love:)

  2. I would want to build a fireplace in our home and take it there. Red brick, with little, decorated Christmas trees on each side of us. Stockings hanging off of silver mantel stocking hangers. :)

  3. I would so love to go to the North Pole have Santa's Village set up and have our family photo taken there with Santa...just imagine!

  4. My ideal family holiday picture would be taken by turning back the hands of time to 1993 before any of my relatives started dying. My grandfather, gradmother, and father would all be there. It wouldn't matter where it was taken, just that we would be all together again.
    Thanks for stimulating this reflection!
    Happy Holidays to you, Scott, and your lovely baby!

  5. In front of our fireplace during our family Christmas party. We have the mantle decorated and our stocking hung.

  6. I would take it somewhere under water while diving wearing santa hats. Preferrably somewhere around the reef in Australia :)

  7. If money was not a question... I will take my family to Puerto Rico and take the picture in front of EL MORRO, which is a fort in Old San Juan.

    Feliz Navidad!!!

    Wanda C.

  8. I would like to take a family photo with all my family members on the beautiful beaches on Maui. I think that would be very fitting. Have a great day! Much aloha~!

  9. We take ours when everyone is together Christmas eve in front of the fireplace!

  10. Well our family picture would be a collage of pics that had us standing in front of every major league baseball stadium. I can see it now!!!

  11. I think the perfect family picture would be taken in the mountians with snow all over and a beautiful natural background. :)

  12. Our perfect family photo would be in front of our christmas tree when we are all opening our presents!

  13. My ideal would be on a sandy beach with lots of warm sunshine! :)

    ...says she who lives in north western Illinois!

  14. I would love to take our family to Hogwarts and get some of those magical photos in the castle!

  15. I would take our family picture when fresh snow had just fallen and there would be cardinals in the background. THey are often at my feeder and look fantastic against the white snow. A deer could be in the background too. WHat a great kit you have put together. Merry Christmas! kh

  16. To me, Christmas is about magic and fulfilling wishes....What is the most magical place on earth??? Disney Land....of Course.
    I would love to take my family to Disney land and take our family photos with each of our favorite character in front of Cinderella's the snow. Just picture it!

    Oh...and Hogwarts would be a SUPER CLOSE second for us!!

  17. To be able to get all three boys and us on the beach, back home in Pensacola. :-)

  18. The PERFECT photo would be everyone in a warm heavy red sweater and crisp blue jeans. An old barn in the background with a fresh heavy snow. Someone in the photo would be holding something-perhaps a scarf? Maybe the adults sitting on a straw bale. Perfect! ...hmmm too bad its -40C or I could pull this off today! lol

  19. If money was no problem...definitely on a beach in Hawaii:-)

  20. At a ski resort would be perfect to take the pic.

  21. My ideal holiday family photo happened 15 years ago after Thanksgiving. Since all of my family was going to be together, my parents, brothers and sisters, wives and husbands, children and grandchildren for my wedding we decided it would be good to take a family photo since it had never happened before. It was a fiasco trying to get everyone to the Olan Mills photo store for a sitting. We are known for being late and goofing off but after a lot of yelling from my mom, 17 people smiled at the same time. Who knew it would be the last time we would be together as a family. Divorce and distance and sickness and financial troubles have kept us apart. So folks get your pictures every chance you get because every time you are with your family is Christmas time. I love looking at that photo and it proudly hangs in my home.

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  23. I would love to have our family photo taken outside in an old-fashioned horse drawn sleigh with snow everywhere and all of us in old-fashioned costumes. I think that would be so much fun.

  24. We just took our "almost" ideal family photos in June. Everyone came to town for fathers day and to celebrate my grandfather turning 93. He has 5 kids and we all too individual family photos with my grandfather. He passed away the end of August. Only one great-grandchild out of 16 grandchildren could not make it because she was on a mission in Argentina. Only two things could have made it more ideal 1.a photo including everyone at once - all 5 kids, 10 grand kids and 6 great grand kids, plus spouses. No one had a camera that could do this without being a football fields length away. 2. The ideal location would have been the family farm near Searsboro, Ia instead of a nursing home in Johnston, Ia.

  25. I think either on my front porch or I'd take my big oversized white sofa out in my front yard in early fall when the grass is still green and have the family perched on the sofa for the pic with the house in the background.

  26. We have never had a professional family photo done. My kids are already adults. Would love to have one in a beautiful Christmasy setting. Doesn't matter really. We should get it done and soon.

  27. I think amid the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC

  28. I would love to have a big sleigh pulled by the most beautiful horses with their Christmas bells on and take it in the middle of a field full of snow. I would want it to look like it was just dropped in the field. No sleigh tracks.

  29. A dream for me would be to go on safari to Kenya as a family vacation and take a picture with wildlife in the background. It would be a dream vacation, with happy kids (says a lot for my 13 year old son)and I know we would have both pricelss memories and the best photo ever.

  30. I would take the picture wherever I could get my entire family together for it. I don't think the place really matters -- only the people in it!

  31. At the beach. We have had it done there twice, and both times, amazing! Second choice was on our mission trip to Uganda with all the precious children we emt.

  32. The greatest place on earth. Disneyland! Hands down. No question!!

  33. Definitely in the lobby of a cruise ship that is sailing in the Caribbean.

  34. The perfect family photo would be taken on any cruise ship that is sailing away with us on it! We would be able to have time together without girlfriends and work phone calls interupting us!

  35. My perfect family photo would be taken anywhere that we could all be together at one time. I have seven younger sister, one little brother and so many nieces and nephews that it is always hard to get everyone in the same spot at the same time. So long as we were all present. Now that would be the best Christmas scrap page!!

  36. I would have to say somewhere with lots of snow...infront of a log cabin! :D

  37. A perfect family holiday photo for my family would be taken in the small East Texas town where my grandparents raised a large family. Every year "downtown" is turned into a magical festival of lights...And to make a family photo even merrier...I would love to have one that included my entire extended family...That would be a wish come true!

  38. I would love to have a family photo taken at Walt Disney World!

  39. I think it would be cool to take our picture in Greece- where some of our family is originally from!

  40. One of the islands, Hawaii or Kaui on the beach!

  41. My ideal family photo would be to have all my family members, and I mean ALL, in a photo. That has always been a dream.

  42. Someplace warm! Under a favorite palm tree on Maui...with our surfboards and Santa hats! No snow, no cold, no wind..yup...ideal!

  43. In front of the giant Christmas tree at Sea World again, a few years ago our family had a reunion there that was very special!

  44. If money were no object, I'd fly all my family (brothers and sisters and their families to our home where we grew up. Our parents are deceased and I would love for all of us to get together to take a family picture. It would be the perfect memoir for our children and grandchildren to see everyone together at this time. I can just see my mom and dad smiling down on us from heaven knowing that they did a good job in raising us.

  45. If money were no object, I would want to take it in Venice while in a gondola with all of us wearing Santa hats.

    Happy Holidays,
    Bev M

  46. If money was no deal and we had the proper warm clothing and all, skydiving over a snowcovered mountain would be a super aweome Christmas Photo! (Oh, and if I could actually get Dakota to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft!)

  47. I would just be happy with a family picture with all my family. It is not often enough EVERYONE is together at one time.

  48. i would take the photo wherever the moment arose.. that would be the perfect picture.. because the one the spur of the moment shots are the best. :) in my honest opinion.

  49. Any photo where the family is all together would be perfect. With 38 or so immediate family (siblings and their children) we usually miss one or two.

  50. I'd want to take a picture in a location most recognizable to the greater number of card recipients; not a sterile studio shot. The picture doesn't have to be taken with a holiday theme, either - a fun family snapshot would be great!

  51. I would like to have some taken on a Christmas Tree Farm in the mountains and in front of a fireplace all decorated for Christmas, and in the snow(that we never get). There are a lot of places I would like to get them done at!

  52. I would take our family picture in front of the National Christmas Tree in Washington DC. What a great family trip that would be!!!

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  54. In front of the fireplace!That is our tradition. I love my fireplace.

  55. I love all the ideas that I read in these repies and as each one makes me go, "Oh yeah!" another part of me goes, "Really?" I think for me it wouldn't matter the where as long as it was all of us together. The snow covered places sound great but we are southerns who love the beach and the beach sounds great but honestly the only important part is that we are together!

  56. Outside in the snow on a breez-less day, no jackets, just big, fluffy sweaters and maybe some santa hats.

  57. Easy! In the snow-covered White Mountains in New Hampshire! It's soooo very pretty there & we all love visiting there.

  58. I would like that photo taken either in Hawaii or Australia :)

  59. I would take my 7 lovely children, and get a gorgeous photo of them running on the beach. It would be priceless to me.

  60. My ideal family shot would be me looking fab as a size 4 (I am so not a size 4) at our farm...everyone in jeans, white shirts and barefoot!

  61. I'd say near a fireplace, with snow and a mountain and the sunsetting in the background.


  62. We just moved to the ocean and took our Christmas card photo out on the water. It was a little weird since we grew up in the prairies. I think the ideal photo would be in a rustic setting in front of a decorated cabin with fresh snow everywhere.

  63. I would take the picture up in the Rocky Mountains nearby our one daughter's house. It is so beautiful there in the winter with the snow.

  64. I would want to have the pictures taken sailing on a catamaran off Barbados in festive bikini's and trunks. I would have a Mrs. Claus bikini, My husband Santa trunks and my niece that lives with us a Christmas Carol bikini. Note to self: Schedule that tummy tuck, liposuction, body lift session before photo shoot!

  65. i would love to have a picture taken in the snow, since we don't experience it here=)

  66. williamsburg would be a SWEEET backdrop for a Christmas shoot!`

  67. You know call me old fashioned but I still would take our Christmas photo in front of my mom's Christmas tree. Of course, if money was no object, I might consider traveling to New York City and take it at Times Square.

  68. An ideal family photo for me would be right in the middle of the snow with the beautiful trees around, all covered in snow. Brrrr! Wouldn't that be the perfect setting for a holiday photo shoot? ;D

  69. I guess I've never thought about the ideal family photo. I'd have to say I would have loved one last one before Grandma passed away last Dec. So, anywhere would be fine if I could go back a year to get that pic.

  70. My ideal photo is with everyone wearing the same colors, sitting on a grass with some trees someplace sunny. That's about it :)

    (Not a us resident but will happily pay for the shipping if i'll be the winner)

  71. On a bench surrounded by pine trees and poinsettias.

  72. The perfect family Christmas photo for me would be on the Golden Gate Bridge, in our 49ers gear! I definitely left my heart in San Francisco when I moved from there, so that photo would be priceless.

  73. We would love to take a family photo in Maui! We were there -- planning to take a family picture -- and handed our camera to someone on the beach. Everyone got in position -- and just as they were about to CLICK our photo -- a wave crashed over all of us --soaking us, them -- and unfortunately our camera. No family pictures for us! Boo Hoo! We keep saying we are DETERMINED to capture that picture sometime....but will definitely take a waterproof camera with us!

  74. I would take a series of shots over a course of about a week or so on the beach in Ixtapa.

    HA! No, really...though...I would want an outdoor shot in natural, beautiful light of the two of us laughing and talking - something that looks like a photographer just happened to walk by and capture the perfect moment.

  75. My ideal and beautiful family shot would be on a warm sandy beach in Hawaii!!

  76. This is easy! Here in Iowa we already have this perfect winter wonderland scenery with 16 inches of snow on the ground. The photo would be outside in with everyone in full winter weather attire. Money can't improve on mother nature!!!

  77. I would take our family Christmas photo in front of our Christmas tree. This has been a family tradition for years and I love capturing the look of each Christmas tree in the photo as well. It is so much fun to look at the photos we have taken over the years and see how much the dynamics of our family has changed! Pets, people, etc... Tradition to my family is very important and I feel it is something we need to instill in our children. In this day and age of no time and electronic technology...some old fashion tradition is a true blessing!

  78. On the stairs of the Old Cactus Hotel in San Angelo Texas

  79. I'm still knee deep in making holiday cards, so this giveaway sure would help! If money were no object, I would take my entire family to Vermont for the holidays - my favorite movie has to be White Christmas and Christmas in Vermont just has a special place in my heart.

  80. My family would be standing all bundled up in the snow next to a sign that reads: Welcome to North Pole, Alaska. I use to live near there, and I always wanted to do that shot.

  81. Decorating the tree, it is usually a mad rush trying to involve everyone so something very calm while hanging decorations would be great!

  82. wow a family portrait would not be a family photo without your and my two kids moved last January to a very cold place just to be with my husband. Now I am over 400 miles away from my parents and my kids grandparents... but the kids are happy to be with daddy and I'm happy to be with my dear husband for Christmas even if he will be working we can still see each other before work and after work...

  83. Oh, I would love to have a family photo up in the hills with snow on a one horse open sleigh. :) I just think of the holidays and a sleigh ride would just be great.

  84. Well I think just to get a family photo done would be nice! The last time we took one was probably about 20 years ago! It would be nice, and I know my mom would like it, if it was taken at her home with all the kids and grandkids.

  85. I would like to have our family photo taken in our home. And since money is no object, it would lavishly built and styled by one of those celebrity designers. Fabulous, functional, and family. Just what I need :)

  86. If money were no object.......I think I would love to have my whole family on a nice white sandy beach in the Bahamas......yeah yummy!

  87. front of my childhood home with all my extended family.

  88. We live in a mountainous country so among pine trees and snow. The problem would be that there are alot of us which causes posing problems and extra time so it wouldn't be very long before all our cheeks and noses would be pink and rosy.

  89. It is in front of our fireplace with our Santa hats on on Christmas morning and the tree partially in the picture.

  90. wow... I don't really know what that place would be... I'm sure we would be very cozy and close to each other but there's no other place like home after all!!!!
