Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Basic Grey Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush - what a great name-LOL.  A Sugar Rush with Tons of Valentines chocolates!!!  I think I better hint to Scott about this idea!  A fabulous new collection with tons of new, new products from Basic Grey - You're going to love these BG Kisses.

To see all the Basic Grey Sugar Rush in the store today click here.


  1. Now that Christmas is over I can finally enjoy the peaks of the valentine goodies! It was too stressful to try to look at them last week. Thanks for the looksies!

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Look at all that BG YUMMINESS!!!!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I love your store ... congratulations this magnificent, and buy some things ... I am new fan

  4. sooo pretty! It makes me ready for spring, though!

  5. Now there is some GREAT eye "candy" for sure. But give me a day or two to get my holiday goodies put away before I give in to another sugar craving .
