Thursday, November 26, 2009

We have a Black Friday giveaway today.
Leave a comment - Who is your greatest "challenge" in regards to... What am I going to give them?
I'll randomly pick a winner tomorrow (Saturday) morning. The winner has 24 hours to claim the giveaway so check back tomorrow to see if you've won!


  1. My husband is the hardest to shop for because I want to buy him everything he wants, but I also know that he and I would be better off saving some of our money. Don't tell him, but this year I have already bought him a BIG surprise! :o)

  2. Same here, my husband. He's celebrating his birthday too in December so I have to come up with even more and that's so hard.

  3. My daughter is the hardest to shop for this year, she has had a really tough year and I want what I give to her to really mean more than just a regular gift.

  4. My parents are the hardest to shop for because they don't ask for, I try to make a lot of keepsake things for them, which they enjoy.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. My 5 year old daughter, as she does not like dolls or anyhting girly...tough one!!!

  6. My dad is the hardest. I cannot even think of any ideas! All he does is work!


  7. My dad is impossible to shop for! He's a simple man who really doesn't want anything, so I have to come up with something thoughtful and fun - he's a toughie!

  8. My dh is the hardest one to shop for, because when he wants something he buys it for himself, even if it's the week before Xmas. And when you ask, he won't tell!

  9. My dad was the hardest challenge for me. He seemed to "have it all" already even if he didn't. I finally took stress off myself by choosing to give him homemade items, picture albums I put together and the gift of time. He passed away recently and this will be my first Christmas without him but I am so glad I have wonderful memories of holidays with him.

  10. Any of my male family members... they all seem to have everything that they want or need and they won't ever give me a hint!

  11. THis year is my 17 year old daughter. She only wants clothes and can't decide if she wants to pick them out or want the money to shop after Christmas. I want something for her that day and I have no ideas this year. THank you again for another day of a giveaway. Enjoy your "Bright Friday."

  12. My parents are the hardest.......or maybe my 91 year old Gram. :)

  13. My teen-age grandsons are my challenge. Seems like I keep giving them the same things over and over. Actually,the boys in the family are harder for me than the girls. I love girlie stuff.

  14. Cool, this is fun! My challenge would probably be Tim Holtz, I love collage type work and that is what I have a hard time creating myself. But, I love a challenge.

  15. ooops I misunderstood, I was thinking about scrapbooking when I read the question, my biggest challenge this year is my husband, I have no idea what to get him.

  16. I think my dad is my biggest challenge. He never answers me when I ask him what he wants or needs. Ugh. :)

  17. Oh man, my father is the hardest to shop for. He's the type of person who can afford to buy whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He also knows a lot of people so he can get into to any place (like restaurants or golf) for free. We're currently thinking about a butcher block... and that sounds so horrible!!

  18. Cute stuff!!!

    My hardest person is my husband.. He's one of those who does not make a list.. and he's more like a 'read my mind' kinda guy...

  19. My husband is difficult but my in-laws are the real struggle. MIL likes it when I make her something but then dh also has to have store-bought gifts for her. So difficult!!

  20. My parents are always my most challenging to shop for because they have everything and if they want it they just go out and buy it.

  21. My dad is hardest to shop for, because his birthday is Christmas Eve and I have to think of two gifts - one for birthday and one for Christmas!

  22. My son leaves for Basic Trainig on Monday, so can't get him anything as he can not take it with him. We will have to celebrate later in the year. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

  23. my son has to be the hardest. He never asks for anything and he always says he needs nothing.

  24. My brother in law is the most difficult - he doesn't want much and he never gives clues.

  25. My husband is always the hardest to shop for. He wants really expensive or tough to buy items that i just can't get for him or buy without him. Men! :) Thanks for the chance!

  26. My husband is by far the hardest to shop for. His clothes are all at least 10 years old, our cars are 10 years old, our tv's are 10 years old. He doesn't like change...

  27. My mother and father in-law are the hardest to buy for. They really don't need anything and they are very practical.

  28. My boyfriend it the hardest! He is a very practical person so whatever I get him he has to find a use for it or I have to take it back!

  29. My mom - she has everything (more like 10 of everything) and it gets harder and harder every year! *sign*

  30. Yep.. my father.. way hardest person on my holiday list! :) so deserving..
    with a grin,

  31. My father-in-law is my biggest shopping challenge. He doesn't get out much anymore but there are only so many pairs of slippers, pjs, or DVDs that you can give someone in a lifetime!

  32. My 24 year old daughter is the hardest to shop for. Just don't have any idea at all!

  33. I was waiting for the black friday sale and forgot about it until now. I wanted to hurry up and post so I can go and shop. Happy Thanksgiving.

  34. My almost 14 year old son. He wants two small things and nothing else. He said he doesn't care if he just has those two things to open on Christmas morning because those are the two things he wants.

    Happy Bright Friday to you. What an awesome giveaway!

  35. I feel that my greatest challenge is my daugter with Cerebral Palsy. Not because she has CP but because I find it challenging to help her be a happy, comfortable,responsive individual.She can't tell me what she wants and can't experience things like other childern. She is like a 6 mo. infant, cries or smiles(beams) and sits quietly when content. Not only is she hard to shop for but she also deserves to get something that puts a smile on her face just like any other child, which is only lights and music, and since she can't activate most toys on her own I prefer things that have a 25- 30 min option.

  36. Oh yeah, my daughter is 7 years old

  37. I have 13 grandkids plus 5 kids, sister and bros. I try to do just a small thing for each, like a mini album, from a 12x12 paper or a flannel pillow case or something small but nice. I also always shop sales!!! always and always.

  38. My Dad is the hardest person to buy for. He has everything he wants, never suggests anything as a gift when asked, I guess he is content with life as is. I call him regularly now that we are 1400 miles apart and he is happy with that.

  39. We are really downsizing this year. All the eight siblings and families are not going to do any gift exchange. Instead we are going to do something to help others. Right now the hardest decision is how that translates...all eight of us have to decide...

  40. My daughter. She just turned 13 and what I think is cool.....well is not what she thinks is cool. I had a couple of things for her and now ideas!!! I finally called her and told her to act like she was 8 years old. I told her to grab a marker, the ads and start to circle everything that she liked. I want her to have something to open on Christmas not gift cards.

  41. My husband--he likes nothing!

  42. I always love visitin BlueMoon Scrapbooking for the great ideas (particulary those of use that are artistic challenged). I also love the great sales and the huge selection of products. Hope you have a great black friday weekend. Susan Jordan
