Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving... days away... a day to give thanks for all the wonder in this world!
I'd like to giveaway my last fall design. To enter leave a comment as to what you are thankful for this holiday.

Had to add a few K and Company ocean chip pieces for humor, they are too cute.

Free shipping to US residents only.


  1. I am thankful to spend the holiday with my family and enjoy a wonderful meal together in our home.

  2. I am thankful for my wonderful family, as always, and more recently I have come to be so much more thankful for my wonderful friends who have helped care for me after an unexpected surgery. And, as an asthma sufferer, I am ever so thankful for being able to breathe in and out every day!!!

  3. As always, I'm thankful for my family!

  4. I am thankful for my freedom and for all the men and women that protect it.

  5. Thankful for freedom, family and life's comforts.

  6. I am thankful for my everyday blessings like being able to see, hear, speak, walk, and breath....but especially for my daughter and husband who without I would feel as if I could not do any of these things...


  7. I am thankful for my family and my friends. I am especially thankful for my husband and the fact that he puts up with my scrapping addiction! I'm thankful for the beautiful Fall season. I am thankful for all the friends I have made on the internet that share my scrapping addiction!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. I am thankful that I have another chance each & every day to start new, fresh, better. An opportunity to be better & do better. To live better & love better. AND MOST OF ALL- I am thankful for the fact that even though I want to be better in every way- everyone I love & care about ... loves me just the way I am. Frankly, the word "thankful" isn't a BIG enough word!!

  9. I am grateful that for the surgeon that works on my daughters skin condition.....he is just amazing!!! He is soooooooooooooo caring and loving to each child he cares for....and even follows up with us personally the day after her surgery to make sure she is okay....*sigh* I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that man! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. I am thankful for my family. I love them so much and can't wait to see everyone over thanksgiving break!

  11. I am very thankful for my family and for the blessings every day. Life is pretty hectic and stressful, but there are a lot of blessings too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I am thankful that my DH's last cystoscopy this past week came back clear - another 3 months cancer-free. thanks for the chance to win - your kits are fantastic!

  13. I am thankful that my family will be together and that my mom has made a full recovery from breat cancer after a grueling year of chemotherapy. We don't appreciate good health enough until we watch someone who is hurting.

  14. I'm thankful for my family, our country's freedom, and my job.

  15. I am thankful for freedom in this country, for my supportive family and my steady job.

  16. I am thankful for being able to support my two daughters with my job teaching. I am very thankful for my daughters, parents and brothers and sisters that help me when I hit a rough patch in life. My friends are always there to support me and make me laugh! I am thankful for the people that have directed me into scraping and given me inspiration to pursue it. Thank you Scott and Lisa. Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. I am grateful for my military husband,a roof over our head,and food for our children...

  18. I am thankful for my family, my health, my job, my boyfriend, and my cats. In this time of economic slump we have to be thankful for the little things that we have that we may not always appreciate.

  19. I am thankful to have found a wonderful man after being a single mother of 3 for 16 years. I am thankful for my 3 wonderful kids and how amazing they have turned out without their father's influence. I am thankful for my health and blessings.

  20. I'm so thankful that my family will all be together this year for the first time in 3 Thanksgivings! :)

  21. I'm so very THANKFUL for my Twins that where born 5 weeks early and are doing so good!! I'm also thankful for my husband for working so hard so I can be a stay-at-home mommy...he's my rock :)

  22. I am thankful for my Dh who takes such good care of our family.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am thankful for a fantastic mother and father who taught me to be self-sufficient, crafty, and handy with tools. I feel empowered when I can fix something or make it myself rather than having to buy everything brand new.

  25. This year is one like no other. My 10yo daughter came home on November 5th for the first time since March of 2008. 19 months out of our home. It has been so difficult, but I am so grateful that she is home, that she is doing so well and that we are doing well adjusting after so many months apart. I am thankful that she is my daughter.

  26. I am thankful for my precious, precious babies and my wonderful husband. I couldn't live without any of them.

  27. I am thankful for my improved health, my family and all of my friends. I am also thankful that I am able to put a smile on someone's face after I give them on of my homemade papercraft items.

  28. I am thankful for the many talents that are shared via the internet .. scrapping is soo much funner with wonderful folks! To feel inspired by something someone MADE ....well its just PERFECT!
    thanks for asking!
    with a grin,

  29. I am thankful that I can have my family around to spend it with me. Nothing more important than family who love and support you!

  30. I'm thankful my newly minted BFA daughter has a FT job (over 50hrs a week in her field!! :) ) and that she has Wednesday AND Thursday off to come home. :) :) :)

  31. I'm thankful for family, even though I don't get to be with them very often or on Thanksgiving.

  32. I am thankful for so many things: my family, my health, my job,and I'm really grateful to live in this wonderful country that allows us to be free. Blessings to everyone during the holidays!

  33. I am so very thankful for my family and freedom!

  34. I'm thankful for my family, friends and the chance to do the things i love.

    (Not from the US but will happily pay for the shipping incase i'll win this amazing giveaway! Thanks!)

  35. I am thankful for my family and for my dad's recovery from health problems earlier this year!

  36. I am so thankful for my husband who has loved me and stuck with me for 25 years, and for our two teen/young adult children who still love to spend time with us.

  37. I'm thankful that we are doing well while so many people are not. My husband has a job that he enjoys. My children are happy and healthy. My husband and I still have our parents. We are rich with blessings!

  38. I'm thankful for all the good in my life!

  39. more than anything i am thankful to be right where i am in this season of my life... to be a mother of young children, a wife to the man of my dreams, and the gift of being able to share what i love to do each month with others.... i feel so thankful, so blessed....
    thank you for the chance to win the amazing kit!

  40. SO thankful that my 2 kiddos are home this year! Last thanksgiving we were in the middle of our adoption process and really aching for them. Now they are home and our family of 6 is complete. We are so lucky and so grateful for all we have experienced this last year.

  41. I am thankful that we are all safe and healthy at the moment

  42. I am thankful that the only gift I have to give for Thanksgiving is time. The time I spend with my family and friends are the greatest blessings and treasures. By taking the time to spend this time, I receive the greatest blessing of all.

  43. I am thankful for so many the top of the list this holiday season would be my husband!!! We just celebrated 10 our 10 year anniversary and he supports my scrappin habit 100%!!!

  44. I am thankful that I still live in a free country and the people who have died and lived to make it that way.

  45. We don't celebrate Thanks giving but there is a lot to be thankful for. Family, friends, our home, learned so much this year. And ofcourse my scrapbooking, the two wonderful DT's who have giving me so much inspiration.

  46. I am thankful for my husband and girls. I am thankful for my sisters who I can share my love of scrapbooking with. I am thankful for my family in general, good health and a roof over my head and for all the little things that are good.:)

  47. In spite of the trials we are going through, America has been blessed and we experience freedom unknown in other countries. I am grateful for that and for those men and women serving here and overseas. I have always been able to be with my family on the holidays and I thank God that we are together again this year and my son and his wife will be able to have us in their rebuilt home that burned down in the So. Cal. fires two years ago.

  48. I am thankful for 4 healthy kids - they drive me nuts at times, but I love them so much and am so proud of them.

  49. I am thankful that my family is healthy and my daughter FINALLY got a dependable car!

  50. I am thankful for my family. We have always had thanksgiving with my parents and siblings and Christmas with my husbands family. Two years ago we lost my dad and even though Thanksgiving has not been the same we have still all got together for it. This year my brother and his family wont be here and maybe one of my sisters and her family... But I am still thankful for all the good times we have shared and look for more in the future.

  51. Although this year has been more than tough. I am thankful that this rough year has brought my sister and I closer together. I am thankful for all of my friends and co-workers that helped me through a tough time that I thought I would never come out the other end. Count y8our blessing no matter how deep you may have to dig to find them!

  52. I am so thankful that a lot of my family will be together this holiday.

  53. I am thankful for my families health, that our bills are paid, my friends + especially being happy with myself. I am thankful that I found a craft that has opened me to new experiences. And that I get to cook this fantastic meal for my family for the second year in a row. Thanks! :Dc

  54. I am thankful for my family and friends.....My faith keeps me strong and I am blessed in so many ways!!!!!

  55. I am thankful for my family.They are the best thing that has ever happened to me!I am also thankful for all the scrabooking friends I've made.They make my life happier and inspire me!

  56. I'm thankful that despite the hard economic times, I am still able to stay at home with my kids and watch them grow and mature. These are times that I would never be able to get back.

  57. I am thankful to watch my children become parents. And for the adorable sweet children who are my grandchildren. Such a blessing!!

  58. I am thankful to god for having blessed us with a beautiful and a healthy baby this year.

  59. I don't know if I am I too late to enter but it never too late to be thankful!

    I am thankful for all I have in my life - a home, friends, family, love, food and so much more. I am also thankful I inherited my mother's love of being creative!

    PS I am so glad I found your store and this blog!

  60. I am very thankful for my husband, our jobs, health & home. I'm also thankful for our family, friends and loved ones that are fairing well right now. I have so much support from my friends, especially my online stamping & scrapping ones. God Bless you all!
