Sunday, November 15, 2009


Doilies are the hot items this season with more to come I'm sure. Peeking around Etsy I stumbled upon this very cool scarf, don't you agree? Too warm in the desert for scarfs, but I thought you guys might like it by buonasarah. Any knitters out there? This looks like a fun project.

For this weeks GIVEAWAY leave a comment:
Have you used Basic Grey Doilies? Do you like to cut them or leave them 12x12?

I'll pick a random winner Friday morning.

Giveaway shipping is free to US residents only.
Don't miss reading the newsletter below to get your coupon for 10% off Basic Grey Pre-Orders.


Erika M. said...

I have never used the doilies but I can see lots of potential.

Carole Stirrat said...

I've never tried doillies, but I'd sure like to!!! I think I'd try using it as a mask with some glimmer mist!

Cherry47 said...

I've never used doilies but I do have some. I plan to use them in the future. I'll probably not cut themn. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I haven't used the Basic Grey brand as yet but I have used others. I have cut them up but I am planning to use them as a mask with some misting. I do love BG products.

Stampin Mindy said...

I haven't used them but I'm all for trying new things!!! :)

Thanks for a chance of winning some awesome goodies!

Kim Faucher said...

I have used them on a card.. cut out... I would love to get more to add to scrapbook pages though.. and I love regular white doilies you get at the craft and party store... adds a fun vintage touch!

Donna VW said...

I have not tried the doillies, but I wouls love to!

~* steph :) *~ said...

I have never used the Basic Grey doilies, but they look really beautiful! I wouldn't mind trying them out.

dblanken said...

I have used them once - as part of a background on a picture I made for a co-worker. I had to trim it down, but I put some of her mother's old earrings and the doilies were used as a frame around her mother's picture. Really cute

Nikki Foraker said...

i have never used BG doilies...and now i'm sitting here wondering how on earth that is even possible! i am a self confessed BG addict!!! embarrassing admission time...i love how their paper smells! LOL so i love busting into a new pack of paper...hehehe...i am a dork!

that scarf is awesome BTW...i'll have to find a pattern...but i'm gonna give my hands a rest...i just crocheted a TON of flowers for my first giveaway on my lil' old blog ;o)

happy scrappin'!

thanks for the chance to win!


Maureen F. said...

so cool - I haven't seen those before !!!

JPScraps said...

Nope...I've never used them although I love to.

Anonymous said...

I bought the dollies but haven't used them yet. I think I would cut in strips to use. Thanks for the giveway.

Nancy B said...

I haven't tried doilies, but what a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win some!

holly said...

I like to cut them so I can use them on different projects, such as cards and layouts.

Holly Bott

BabyBokChoy said...

I've never used BG doilies!! I would love to try them.

Stephanie (steffogal1) said...

BG Doilies ~ I've never used.. YET!! super cute!!
and the ideas of how these goodies are exciting!
with a grin,

Janine Rachau said...

The scarf is adorable but that doily plus package is gorgeous!

I would cut some, use some as masks, and layer some with contrasting colors or monochromatic colors, many things to do with them. I have an heirloom hutch that would look great with the shelves lined with them too!!!

Suzie Button said...

I have never used the doilies but it is my taste! I'd most likely not cut them! Suzie

Sandra Perdomo said...

love the doilies i usualy cut em for lO's and mini albums

ceruleanblue said...

I do a bit of both, depending on the project, they are versatile like that!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

No doilies here either..for crafting:) I have used 'real' paper doilies on the table, for pies and finger treats - things like that.. and I have some very special ones my Grandmother crocheted... they come out at Christmas...

My gosh that RAK is yummy!!!

What a great prize!

Jocelyn said...

I have used the doilies and I adore them...I have never used them much goodness....I cut that I have lots more to play with!!!! I have also used them as a mask!!!!

Debi said...

I have purchased a doily, just have to use it now. I loved the glimmer mist idea from Carole S.

Vel said...

I have one but I haven't used it yet. I like to use doily type things as masks for misting though. Then use the doily as an accent. Double usage!

AllyW said...

I have not used the dollies yet but i would love to! Cut them or use them as a mask.....hmmm. I like my options !

Shawninaz said...
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Shawninaz said...

I've used them once and cut it in half. Luv everything Basic Grey. Thanks for posting the new collections!

Stacy said...

I have tried them one time and I did not cut it.

Anonymous said...

I've never used the doilies, but I can see getting at least 2 uses out of those beautiful supplies.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that scarf!!!! YUMMY!!!! I always CUT dollies in half, thirds. lol MUCH use as I can get out of them and use them on MANY pages! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Lynnette Davis said...

I haven't had the chance to use BG Doilies but would love the chance!!!

Brenda Lubrant said...

I have used doillies twice and I cut them in halves to attach to the side of cards. It looked great!!

Sophia said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL kit and happy to pay for my shipping...

I have started getting into doillies...

hila said...

I have never tried doilies before but it looks great and i would LOVE to giveit a try!

[p.s - i'm not a us residents but will be very happy to pay for the shipping if i wiil be the winner]

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I have used the doilies. I cut mine apart to make a photo background and one was used on a corner to hold a tag. I have also used them as a mask for tattered angels spray. Thank you for the great giveaway.

Tara said...

I haven't tried them yet. They are so pretty!! I'd could see them as a 12x12 layout and cut up as a beautiful border. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

Holly said...

I have never used doilies but I am now going to try it! Thanks for the chance for some awesome goodies!

mommyof5kidz said...

I haven't used doilies or crochet in any form on my layouts before, but I am thinking that I need to! I have seen some super cute ides!!

Viji Siddharth said...

Oh I have never used them! But I would so so so love to use them!

Unknown said...

I haven't used them. But I think If I had them..It would really depend on my LO design...Might use the 12 by 12 as is or cut them!

Siddharth Mallick said...

What wonderful goodies! You guys are awesome! So many wonderful giveaways! I hope I get lucky this time:D

I have never used the doilies..But I think it would add a lot to my LO! I would probably cut them and use them judiciously ...Well I don't want them to get over!


Love the doilies--I typically cut them in half. :D

Laura said...

I've never used BG doilies, but I *think* I would use the whole thing and not cut it. . . or maybe cut out the center and use it as a frame for a picture.

Scrapbookdoll said...

I have used dollies and i cut em up
I used them on a layout

LISA said...

I love to cut them up and tuck them under layers peeking out as an accent!!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I have not used the doilies yet but I did buy some the other day so I will soon be trying to figure out how to use them!

cami said...

Oooh, those doilies are beautiful! I haven't tried them yet - I'll need to get on that!

Marla said...

I LOVE Basic Grey products but have NEVER seen the dollies!!

Debbie Sherman said...

I live the doilies!! I usually cut them because I want to use them on more than one layout or project.

Renee said...

I haven't used the doilies, but I've used other die cut paper both ways...whole and just pieces

Monique Liedtke said...

Yes I've used them and I love to cut them up (but as they are so beautiful I found it very hard!).

Brenda Lee said...

I haven't used them yet but I'd like to. I think they could really enhance a layout.

bethchien said...

I have never used their doilies before. Would love to and I love LOVE that scarf!

Michelle W. said...

I love the BG doilies! I cut them up and use them as backgrounds on cards. I can't wait to use them on Valentine's Day cards.

Robin said...

I have used a small paper one from the Dollar Store that I cut but I have never used a 12 by 12. sounds like fun.

Kristie Maynard said...

I have never seen these before, but sure would love to try them out. I can see a lot of potential for using them for scrapbook pages and for cardsmaking.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Michelle's Daydreams said...

I've never used doilies on my cards. I may have to try that. :) I've just found your lovely blog/store via my friend Abby. Wow! I'm loving what I'm seeing. Michelle

pooky said...

Hi there! I haven't used BG doilies but sure would love the chance! Doilies are great for masking and misting and using as a background many uses!

Elisa K said...

I haven't used the doilies as of yet but would love to get my hands on them.

LisaNRoxy said...

I have not used tehm yet BUT I cannot wait to cut them up!! I have used paper doilies as a mask before and I like to use crotcheted doilies on my pages. Any texture makes me happy.

Emily said...

I haven't used them yet, but I have had my eye on them! I think I would probably cut them or use them as a mask. I could see it being really cute on cards just using little sections. Or creating a border with them on a scrapbook page, with the cut line being covered by ribbon or some other embellishing.

ruth said...

I haven't tried the doilies, but it would be fun to do so! :)

fong33 said...

I have not had a chance to use the doilies yet, but have been itching to buy some.

Junebugpins said...

Love seeing the new products! These doilies look fun to use...and
Always fun things at Blue Moon for scrapping nuts like
How fun and so sweet~

Karla Anderson said...

I have used doilies, but not the Basic Grey ones - would love to have some. Regular doilies make great masks or glimmer mist and fold into flowers. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lydia Siegel said...

I new to your blog and Im loving everything I see so far. As far as the Doillies goes. I havent tried them. However Im always up for something new to try.

Audiene said...

I haven't used them yet but I might have to now that I have seen them! I would probably be tempted to cut them up for layouts but I guess it would depend on the design of the doily and the layout itself. Beautiful stuff!

L84AROPIN said...

I didn't know about Basic Grey doilies! I must have some!

Abbey said...

I haven't tried them yet but would likely cut them.

BethW said...

I've never used them although I have been tempted. If I ever work up the courage, I think I would probably cut them so I could get the most use out of a single piece.

The Scraps of My Life by Julie said...

Well... I have never used the basic grey doilies but I think I would cut them in order to use them in lotz of places!!
They look really pretty.

Barbara said...

I never seen these doillies but I know what to do with them lol fold, cut, or whole they would be beautiful in any scrap book

Evonne said...

That scarf is beautiful!
I have used doilies in a few projects, but not the BG ones yet! I sure would like to get my hands on some though! Bet they are much more durable than the ones I'm using here!

Susan Coish said...

I have never used them, but if I did, I would probably cut them...because I'm just that type of scrapper! lol

Kristen said...

I haven't used them before, but I want to get some to play with. I think they would be great to cut up and use them to make flowers. Who knows until you try!!!

Kristin said...

I have never used the doilies but I am sure they would be fun and versatile. I of course would love to try them but have yet to see them in LS. I will have to give them a try. I love that they are in a variety of colors, they should be really fun!

dclouser said...

Never have, but thanks for bringing them to my attention! Very cool.

StampinCathy said...

I haven't used doilies, but have seen alot of inspiring projects with them. I'm adding this to my things to try list. Thanks for a chance at this amazing giveaway.

connie said...

I have never used the doillies. I probably would cut them in half since I usually do 2-page LO's.

JustYolie said...

I've never tried doillies, but I'd sure like to! :) The scarf is gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to try the doilies yet but really want to.
What a fun additional texture to add to a page!!

Steph Ackerman said...

I love using doilies (think those little ones you use for cakes and such). I love to use them as masks for paint, ink and glimmer mist. I'd used the bigger ones in pieces as I'd want to showcase the doily, not cover it up with photos and embellies.

Lagene said...

I have not yet used Basic Grey doillies but they look lovely! I'd love to win!

atlcarly said...

I cut'em. They are too expensive to use all at once!

smahrty said...

I have not used them yet, but can imagine the possibilities. I would cut them AND use them whole.

fran h said...

I have never tried the doilies for scrapbooking but I love the look.
That scarf sure looks nice and warm.
I think i would use the doilies whole and not cut them because they are so pretty.

Ginny said...

I haven't been lucky enough to try them yet, but have wanted to. I think the first time I used, I'd keep intact. After that, I'd probably cut up :)

PattiM said...

I've never used the BG doilies either but would love to try them. Would I cut them or not... I'd have to have one and be creating a LO and see that way.


(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

Mamatha said...
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Mamatha said...

I haven't had a chance to use Doillies but would love to try it!

Ilka said...

I have not used the BG doilies just the not so fancy white doilies, but would love to give the more beautiful BG ones a try. Gorgeous give away!

Suzy Girl said...

I've never used them but have been dying to.

Tiffany said...

I've never used doilies, but I think I'd keep them whole. My plans don't always work when I start cutting up things that are just fine whole, lol!

Cheryl Waters said...

I love BG Dollies. I love to cut them in a strip or otherwise and use as a mask with Glimmer Mist. That's my favorite way to use them. They are so beautiful!!!

Sarah B said...

Have not really used doilies. If I did use them, I would probably cut them some sort or fun!

Jennifer said...

I haven't tried the doillies yest, but they look sooo beautiful!

Linda E said...

I lov the Basic Grey doilies; I just haven't gotten my hands on them yet. I could see doing so much with them both in one piece or cut! Thanks for the great giveaway

C. Sage Deerborn said...

I haven't used them yet, but would probably use them whole.

Nancy Smith said...

I have purchased some but haven't used them. I would cut them!

Tina Mayo said...

never used them..hmmm will have to try..probably cut them since I like things to last...

Judi said...

I never even knew there were doilies for scrapping or card making - what a GREAT idea!! I'll have to see if I can't track some of these down!

Deborah Long said...

I haven't used them yet, but my guess is that I would cut them up. How pretty to have just bit peeking out for texture and interest!

Debbie said...

I have not used them yet but love the look of them.

Thanks for the giveaway.

debbie peysen

Krystle said...

I LOVE doillies, especially basic grey ones. Recently I purchased doillies from their lemonade and nook and pantry collections and I am very much in love with the origins oones as well. I tend to like to cut them up but they're beautiful any way you use them!

Heather H said...

I have never tried doilies but would love to get the chance to use some Basic Grey ones!

Ann S said...

I've always loved doilies and used them all the time as a kid (Valentine cards, etc.). I have never used them in scrapbooking projects, however, but would love to try!

Funky Finds said...

I haven't used them but would love to try them out! Jessica D.

Jean said...

Where have I been? I have not seen these! I can see them as wonderful background and mats and for using with ink. Thank you for a chance to win.

funkycrafter said...

i haven't used the Basic Grey Doilies. have some projects in my to try file that use doilies, most of which would involve cutting them

Jenneke said...

No, I never used them but I LOVE them!!!! I think I wouldn't have the courage to cut them, they're sooo beautiful!