Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Giveaway Contest

This weeks giveaway I played with making a little kit. I've always been a fan of this blue Crate Paper Die-cut sheet -I thought it could be a fun challenge to scrap this with a more feminine feel.

To win this kit make a comment if you scrap more boyish or girlish layouts.

Take a peek at the design team blog where Melanie has posted a second layout using the Shining Madonna Kit. She has used this kit for a gorgeous feminine layout and now she created a dynamic masculine layout -excellent job Melanie! Let her know what you think and leave her a comment -I know she'd love to here from you!

The beautiful large chip piece on the bottom right is Basic Grey Indian Summer.

We have Basic Grey Nook and Pantry up for PRE-SALE now.


  1. I am the girliest of girls when it comes to my creations and my blog...they're all about femininity and romance...just love it!

    Thanks for the chance...


  2. As the mumma to two boys, I default to boyish layouts, but I love the pretties for myself :)

  3. I love trying to do the boyish layouts, but seem to end up making more girlie layouts!

    Love the challenge of making both types of pages!


    Patty :-0

  4. I have two girls, so I tend to do more girlie stuff, plus I love the bling. But I also have lots of nephews, so I do get to do the boy stuff every now and again.

  5. I have one grandchild ... a boy named Jonas, who is 16 months old. My daughter does not scrapbook and asked me to make scrapbooks for Jonas. I'm up to Volume 9 and he's only 16 months old (grinning). So I'm definitely into puppy dog tails!

  6. I definitely scrap more girly, since I have one daughter. She is very girly too! I love all things pink, sparkly and flowery!!

  7. I have two baby boys, so my layouts are more boyish, but I love everything girly: bling, flowers, pink, pearls... :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. hmmmmm depends...although i guess i'd have to say i normally do girly stuff...although i scrapped my brothers first 7 years, and that was all boy! ;o)

    thanks for the chance to win! you guys rock!

    Nikki aka scrappinNavyWife ;o)

  9. at the moment, more feminine ones, but think it goes back and forth.

  10. I definitely do more boys pages! :)

  11. Hi!

    I love to scrap girlysh style. I love antique style and soft color on my layouts.

    best regards,

    Wanda Contreras

  12. I do a lot more boyish LOs because I have more nephews than nieces. Plus I'm not really a girly girl.

  13. I am ready for more boy kits! I have 3!

  14. It's all about the boys for me---two little ones that my world revolves around ;-)

  15. both for me since I have 2 boys and 1 girl.

  16. I mainly scrap girls but I do have a grandson that I scrap from time to time. :) Thanks for the chance to win something fun!
    Renee from WT!

  17. I do both! I have a boy and a girl and it leads me to explore both kinds of layouts!

  18. since I have 3 boys i would say i am more of the boys kits :)
    thanks for the chance :)

  19. Definitely boy pages mostly here - I'm surrounded by testosterone, and those colors are even more my colors to scrap with anyways.

  20. Girly for me! I'm all for the pinks, flowers, sparkles, and then some!

  21. Lovely little kit!

    I think I probably lean more toward girlish most often. I have a hard time not putting lace and flowers on everything.


  22. Having one of each I tend to be an equal opportunity scrapper - boys and girls.

  23. I really like to scrap with gender neutral papers, becasue although I have a boy and a girl, my girl is not a girly girl.

  24. I scrap more boy layouts because I have two boys and no girls, but I am always so excited when i do get the opportunity to make girlie cards for birthdays and things! Thanks for the awesome giveway

  25. I think it's kind of a toss up right now because DD is quite the little poser for me and my boys are usually running around too much to catch them!

  26. I love a mixture of both, since I have two boys and one girl.

  27. With having just a teenage boy, almost all of my layouts are of him or my husband so I do purchase more masculine kits. I have fallen in love with quite a few feminine kits especially because of my addiction to Prima flowers, I just don't have as many pictures to use with them so I'm a bit more selective when buying them.

  28. boyish, because i have 5 boys and only 2 girls, but i enjoy making girly ones more :-)

  29. All girl for me, I have 4 nephews and I was thrilled 11 years ago when my Dr told me I was having a baby girl!

  30. i like a fem-boy kit! i have a 6yo girl and a 4yo and 9mo boy. i love a kit i can use for everyone

  31. I do a lot of girlie layouts, but I do love to use gender neutral colors and make them for my boys as well.

  32. Only do boy LO's really since I have only boys and don't really scrap about myself. Luv the girly paper so I try to figure out a way to do girly pages.

    Cat :)))

  33. I love the girly girl vintage kits :)

  34. My layouts tend toward both girl and boy since I have 2 grand-daughters and 2 grand-sons. It seems though that I have a much easier time creating a girlish layout than I do for the boyish layout.

  35. I scrap a lot more boys. I love hte feminine kits, but they are had to adjust to the boys.

  36. Great work with the kit Mel. I don't really do boy or girl pages -- no kids. Most of my layouts are travel related so that would probably lean toward the "boy" side colors.

  37. Girly, girly. girly for me!! Just can't get enough of Prima and all the other girly stuff out there! Besides that I don't have any boys to scrap for, lol!
    Well, hope you have a super day, and thanks again for the chance to win!

  38. Boy, boy, boy. I have 2 boys and a husband. However, I love it all!

  39. since I don't have children mine is pretty "neutral" - no pinks or blues...just gorgeous vibrant colors!

  40. I have two girls and am one myself so I tend to get a bit carried away with the girly stuff, especially flowers. I have done a few masculine pages for my husband but doing girly layouts is much more fun!
