Tuesday, September 15, 2009

American Crafts Giveaway

We just received new American Crafts Blue Skies Remarks Stickers and they are sooo cute I thought I'd put together a giveaway with them. Just post on this blog - what is one of your favorite things about the Fall season. Can I tell you mine... warm sauteed apples with dinner yum yum.

I'll pick a winner later in the week!

We've stocked up on Prima Flowers which we were out of, added more, plus stitched papers, soft velvet leaves, vines and butterflies...
By the way, we have ordered Hambly Studios Overlays -they are scheduled for October.


  1. my favorite thing is pumpkin picking!!! and lots of baked cookies!!! thanks for the chance to win!!

  2. My favourite thing is the colours, so rich and beautiful :)

  3. I love the colors of fall. I love the the leaves fall and the preety pictures you can take. And I love the that new line from AC Blue Skies.

  4. I love all the changing colors of Fall..............the leaves, the flowers and the trees! I love being able to keep the window open at night while I sleep for a nice cool breeze!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. So many...fall is my favorite season. To pick just one I'd go with walking thru the woods with the leaves falling. (Love this blog!)

  6. apple picking pics!! the smells, and colors. the chill in the air, and warm cider!!

    yay autumn

  7. One of my favorite things about the fall season, Gingerbread Lattes at Starbucks, does that count!? Okay,lets go with the foliage!!!
    I love your kits- just made my first purchase a few days ago in fact! I'm already a follower, thanks for the giveaway!!!!! xOxO deb

  8. the crisp air! the fall leaves. the quiet days :) now that the kids are in school!

  9. i heart AC -- what a great selection of products. thanks for the chance to win!

  10. It isn't fall until we've gone to Applejack Days event in Nebraska City. This annual event is a family tradition and just SCREAMS fall to me. Apples (and I mean EVERYTHING apples - pies, fritters, donuts, slushes), kettlecorn, crafts and pumpkins ... nothing better than this time of year!

  11. I love football season - it keeps my husband busy so I can scrap more!

  12. I love the cool night and camp fires!

  13. My favorite thing about the fall is warm apple cider, an open fire, and my family all together!!
    Thanks for letting me play!

  14. I love the fresh, crisp air and when I'm up farther north... watching the leaves change. *sigh*

  15. i love walking through the fallen leaves hand in hand with the man i love.

    autumn is my favorite.

  16. crisp fall days walking through the falling leaves - aaaahhhh Fall!

  17. Yummy! I just love your blog, and your store! My favorite thing about fall is "trying" to rake up the leaves while the kiddies jump in the piles! So much fun!

  18. The Fall Season is my favorite time of year..I so feel so alive...the colors are my favorite....oranges, reds, browns and golds!!!! Pumpkin patches, Halloween, baking and just feeling alive!!!!!! :)

  19. My favorite thing about the Fall season: NFL FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!! it really cuts down on the scrapping time though, need a TV in my scrap room :)

  20. I love Everything about Fall, I can't Possibly pick one! I love Pumpkins, Halloween, The Beautiful warm Colours, Being able to Wear comfy Sweaters, Playing in the Leaves with my Son and The smell of Everything! It's my Favorite Season, Which is why My soon to be Born Daughter(dec 26th) Is being named Autumn :)

  21. The fall leaves...........changing colors, falling........in the crisp air. Love it!

  22. cooler weather, kids back to school, Halloween. Fall is my favorite season.

  23. pumpkin and apple picking, the smells, the sites, the weather, i just love everything about fall!

  24. I love everything about fall - pumpking and apple picking, the foods, smells, weather. Everything!

  25. Living in Florida we have to use our imagination a bit! But....I do love to start baking a bit and making some fall decorations! Look at the great new Glimmer Mist colors..Indian Corn..Candy Apple!

  26. I love driving down tree-lined neighborhoods when the leaves are changing colors and swirling in the air...the colors are so rich and warm!

  27. Definitely the cooler weather and the beautiful fall colors.

  28. I definitely love the cooler weather and the beautiful colors of the leaves changing.

  29. The trees as they change colors! Hot apple cider is a good one too!


  30. My favorite thing about fall are the nights - I live in Florida and in the fall it gets cooler in the nights. I also love Halloween and Thanksgiving :) Thanks for a chance at winning - I love your store!!!

  31. PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES from starbucks! Mmmmm! Fall is my favourite season so everything about fall is great. Plus it's my b-day season =) I love the colour of the leaves as they change and it's not too hot or too cold!

  32. The promise of cooler weather would be my top pick. Luv those cool mornings now that the worst of summer is over!

  33. I love going to all of the Fall festibles in my surrounding area. I also enjoy my annual trip to my local nursery to pick up beautiful potted mums.

  34. Crisp, cool, rejuvenating mornings...hmmm...my favorite because morning walks during the fall are so refreshing and it's my time to think, plan, and pray.

  35. Cooler weather. I am a 55 yr old woman and I live for cooler weather! Plus my scrapping room is not air conditioned and I can scrap more in cool weather!!
    rx mom

  36. Guam doesn't have the Fall season. :( What I miss most about Fall is the crisp cool air and the changing leaves. Beautiful!

  37. I love the cooler weather and the changing colors of the leaves.

  38. The beautiful photographs that I can take with all the awesome Fall colors and schemes.
    Thank you for the chance.

  39. Photo opps!!! Such wonderful colors and scenes! Thanks for the chance.

  40. I love the weather being JUST RIGHT. Not too hot not too cold =)
    Thanks for the chance!!

  41. Strangely enough, one of my favorite Fall memories is changing all of the screens to storm windows at my childhood home in Minnesota. At the time I know we all moaned and groaned about doing it, but looking back it was great family together time. Thirty plus years of hindsight always from ones childhood always changes the view!

  42. My favorite thing about fall is the lovely fall colors, the trees turning colors and the yummy pecans that we get from are trees.

  43. I love seeing the leaves turning and the cool crisp mornings. Thanks for the giveaway

  44. I love cool, crisp weather, leaves crunching under my feet, and bonfires! Oh, and hot cocoa.

  45. My favorite thing about fall is the cooler weather so that I can wear snuggly sweaters and start baking again... add to that the beautiful colors and you know why Autumn is my favorite season!
