Thursday, June 26, 2008

Goofy tiles !?!?

Our header tiles for the videos are not going to the videos. We are working on fixing this. It's like me working on Photoshop Elements -not even Photoshop Pro. I take it little by little. Yesterday I found a solution to a problem that has been bugging me forever. Finding the solution put me in a "good" computer mood. I stopped while I was ahead.
We haven't jumped on the digital bandwagon, because our site is not up to it yet and we're in the backseat too. So forgetting digital, we are expanding gifts, art and toys very soon! We hope you like our new look, not taking away from our favorites in scrapbooking. Check back soon - we have coming some exciting artists - Debbie Thibault, Beth Mueller, Lisa Kaus and the coolest stuffed animals.

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