Friday, September 21, 2007


I just finished reading "Thanks! How the new science of gratitude can make you happier" by Robert A. Emmons. Scott and I highly recommend it for inspiration and postive thinking.

I thought I'd share some of my thankful thoughts on this Friday.
• Thankful I have 2 more months until the birth.
• Thankful I've come this far with no problems.
• Thankful I don't live in past times where they didn't have soft furniture to sit on.
• Thankful for a washing machine. I can't imagine handwashing ALL the laundry with this sore back of mine.
• Thankful the weather is cooling off and the sun is shining.

If you'd like to share thankful thoughts of yours today- please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Thankful for changes in the weather.
    Thankful for air conditioning and heating for changes in the weather.
    Thankful for scrapbooking.
    Thankful for my very helpful Mom.
    Thankful for my family.
    Thankful for God's love thru Jesus Christ.
