Saturday, April 23, 2011

BlueMoon Newsletter and Giveaway

Tim Holtz Alterations
The newest releases from Tim Holtz Sizzix Alterations.  Build your own town with the fabulous oversized Artful Dwellings Die - don't forget the doors and windows!
Websters Pages
Four beautiful collections from Websters Pages!  Let's start off with Ladies and Gents.  You'll be impressed!
Country Estate
Yacht Club
Martha Stewart 
New Martha Stewart Double Edge Punches, 10 glitter packs, stamps and more!  Perfect for springtime creating.
Jenni Bowlin Giveaway
Join the fun with this weeks giveaway  - a Jenni Bowlin kit
filled with Jenni Bowlin classics!
To enter leave a comment - When you hear the word "springtime" what is the first thing that pops into your mind?
I'll randomly choose a winner Friday.
Winners have 2 weeks to notify me of winning.
Free shipping to US only.


TeenaBugg38 said...

Oh geeeze, dreaded number one!!! First wrd I think of when I hear spring is bloom!!!

Maggie Massey said...

Let's see...spring...definitely "green" - after having my world covered in snow and rain for the last 6 months, I'm definitely ready for some...;) Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Angi Barrs said...

Fab giveaway. When I hear the word springtime I think of "BLOOM". I love to see flowers bloom in the springtime...especially Tulips. :)

Wanda said...

White dresses and sandals!!!
best regards,

brenlubrant said...

The first thing that I think of is birds singing in the morning. They love Spring, too.

Alenusik said...

Ohhh... When I hear word "springtime" I think of apple blossom! I like it =^_^=

silvia said...

When I hear "springtime", I immediately think of Lilacs :)

Lillian Child said...

The first image I have when I hear the word springtime would be rebirth ... when everything is new and fresh and just beginning.

~Tonya said...

The first thing I think of is "tweet!" I just love birds and I think of seeing the Robin, as the first sign of spring.

So many wonderful goodies. Thank you for the chance. Have a Blessed Easter.


Nadia's Beautiful Mess said...

I think of fresh grass, swaying tree's, tulips, daffodils, peonies...and a fresh start!

Brenda said...

What a great giveaway! When I hear spring, I think of baby robins and mamas building their nests!

Anonymous said...

Hi! When I hear 'Springtime' I think of flowering bulbs like daffodils, tulips and hyacinth; brave, early flowers.

Julie Claire

April said...

How fun! When I hear the word Springtime the first thing I think of is warm weather! It's soooo nice to look forward to after a long winter. ;)
- April W

shari said...

Warmer Weather!!! I am so sick of winter. Ha! Beautiful new stuff from Websters Pages, love it. Shari (cricutrookie)

li-bee-ti said...

WOW!! what a gorgeous giveaway!
First thing I'm thinking of when I hear "spring" is flowers and freedom.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwwww! I am LOVING those Websters bloom trims!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Desiree said... but that is just me! :) Otherwise new growth and sunshine! :D

Anonymous said...

Well, in the Pacific Northwest, "Spring" means WARMER rain!


Olga Solhaug said...

...apletrees full of flowers...
...birdhouses full of life...
...head full of plans and hopes...
and air full of NEW LOVE... :)))

Thank you for the chance, JBowlin is amazing as always and you guys are too nice to us all :)

Annette Bowes said...

Gorgeous products! When I hear the word 'Spring Time' I think of newborn animals, snowdrops, daffodils and smiley faces! Everyone seems so much happier in spring, Happy Easter, take careX:)

Sheri said...

Springtime to me brings images of new birth, sunshine, flowers and the beginning of fruit/vegetable stands for the season. Oh yeah - and the retiring of my UGGS for a few months.

bernshwag said...

When I think of string I think of warmer weather with all of the windows and doors opened up for fresh air! Also the wonderful smells coming from the blooms of my orange trees! Thanks for the chance to enter!

Kimber said...

When I hear the word "springtime" my first thouht is of crocuses and daffodils.
Thanks so much for having such a great giveaway!

Kim said...

The first thing that I think of when I hear the work spring is tulips! I live in Florida and we don't have tulips here, but I grew up in a state that did. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Bernadine said...

I think of flowers.

edinburghgirl said...

Bar-b-que here I come !

Anonymous said...

Butterflies in different colors and sizes floating through soft and bright beautiful flowers with dew drops on them while holding a nice cup of tea, reading a beautiful novel while sitting on a comfy chair outside a quaint and cozy English garden, hoping to see a Beatrix Potter peeking through one of those lush flower-filled bushes. Hey, a girl could dream, right? What Bliss! Gotta love springtime!

Queena said...

When I hear the word 'springtime', the first word that comes to mind is 'flowers'. Thanks for the chance to win.

Carol said...

First thing I think of when I hear spring is "Blooming". I think of the of all the beautiful flowers blooming.

Larisa said...

When I hear the word "springtime" what is the first thing that pops into my mind? I think it is flowers!
Thanks for candy))

Mª Jesús said...

Sun, flowers, colours!

1jmass said...

It is time to begin my watch on trees budding. I love to see the first tiny sprout that will become a branch each season.

Trine-Lise Hauge said...

What a fab giveaway!

First thing I think of when I hear SPRING is New Start, the flower will bloom, grass will be growing and bird will sing you awake in the morning!

Hugs Trine-Lise

cathy said...

The first thing I think of is no more snow-the grass is green, the trees start getting leaves and it is warm enough to enjoy being outside!!

JanM said...

We are all like flowers in the Spring. Our faces turn to the warmth of the sun and we all blossom too! Everyone feels better and no one appreciates that warmth more then we do in Vermont after a very long winter!

Anonymous said...

the sun!! we definately could use it here after all the rain!
mary t

Casii said...

New baby chicks! :) We have 5 who are 5 weeks old this weekend and in their awkward stage, but still adorable. Each spring, they feel like a promise of life.

upcdaze said...

Warm weather, flowers (bluebonnets in Texas), freshly mowed grass.

Thanks for the chance to win.

StampinCathy said...

First thing I think of is color and life. The flowers blooming, grass turning green, birds chirping and happy faces everywhere. Thanks for a chance.

Barbara said...

Springtime . . . ? The smell of freshly cut grass. Heaven.

Unknown said...

When I think of Spring I think of green grass and flowers...oh and sunshine! :) said...

Springtime always makes me think of feeling free--free of the heavy winter coat I had to wear as a child (I think it had to weigh 50 pounds at least--in child thoughts anyway), and into my light blue jacket. So freeing--- I could run again and play with abandon!

Vickie Lee said...

I think of Beauty! The weather turns warm, trees and grass turn green, flowers begin to bloom. Ahhhhh, so beautiful!

Carolyn H said...

Springtime make me think of flowers and allergies.

Susan Gioiella said...

The first this I think of is "green". I love driving down the roads when the trees just start to bloom their new leaves. You can see a hint of green and it's so pretty!

BearyNice2U said...

When I hear the word Springtime I think of a new fresh beginning. Pretty flowers coming back to bloom after a long cold, harsh winter. Rainbows in the sky and hope for warmer days! Rain washing everything off. And the smell of your sheets after hanging them outside on the clothes line to dry. Thanks for the chance to win, and good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

The first thing I think of is flowers! Lots of flowers! Thanks for a fun giveaway.

jhamiltn said...

Whenever I think of Spring, I think of gerbra daisies and their fabulous bright colors!

afilatreau said...

To me, springtime makes me think of the beginning of super hot weather. It's to the ninety degree mark here in AZ, as you know, and I'm already sweltering!!!

~Mar said...

Springtime makes me think FLOWERS!
Thanks for the chance to win!

mewTilman said...

Definitely daffodils! Sure there are other flowers, but none so emblematic of the season. Thanks for a chance to win Jennie Bowlin--have wanted to try her products.

Robin said...

When I heard the word springtime, I naturally think of Robin's, LOL!


suzeyq said...

Robins! That means spring has begun!

Sarah Bennett said...

Absolutely it's flowers that come to mind. Easter lilies, tulips, daffodils... in all their glorious springtime colors!
Thanks for a chance to win a great prize. Happy Spring!

A Crafty Person said...

When I hear the word "springtime" I think of new beginnings! Blooms everywhere especially the daffodils and iris in my backyard.

Lorna said...

Fresh. Fresh new leaves, new flowers braving the cold, new sunny days. Fresh air after a winter of being closed in. Ahhh.

flamingo4us said...

I think of the word fresh when I here Springtime.

Melody (lacyquilter) said...


Michelle K said...

Green grass and flowers blooming!!

Catherine said...

When I hear "SPring," I think of flowers! Beautiful flowers that make all the miserable snow worth it somehow LOL.

Shannah said...

green grass, butterflies and some beautiful tulips in the front yard!

Elena said...

Living in Key Largo, we have 12 months od Summer. Ive never lived anywhere where I have experienced Spring. I envision lots of beautifully colored flowers, birds and tons of butterflies!

Tona said...

Flowers is the 1st thing that comes to mind for me.

Vintage Rose said...

Wow! Awesome giveaway! the first thing I think of when Spring hits - i think of all the beautiful tulips and the scent of lilacs!

KimMJ said...

Flowers! Hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, glory of the snow, etc etc etc. When I hear springtime I instantly think of the riot of color that will bloom in my garden.


Sue Young said...

Daffodil !!! Sue

Holly said...

I would have to say "warmth", after this long winter in MN, I am craving warmth! Thanks for the chance!

Gia said...

Spring means calves to me!!

artfuljourneys said...

Spring, birds chirping; eye candy flowers blooming. Fabulous giveaway. Happy Easter

~* steph :) *~ said...

i think of the sun shining with all the flowers blooming and the birds singing. hope you all have a happy easter! *hugs* steph :)

Anonymous said...

I think of pretty pastel colors, warm breezes and flowers.

Pam said...

I think "flowers". By the time it's officially spring here, we've had daffodils, hyacinths, azaleas, dogwoods, forsythia, tulips, redbuds...all in full bloom. Nothing like spring in the south!

cyndie2010 said...

The first thing that pops up when I hear Spring is beauty. What great give-aways, thanks for the chance to win.

Sharon said...

Flowers!!! Loveing the new items!!!

NatashaS said...

Lots of new goodies!!! Springtime, means flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass--a break from our harsh winters here in the Northeast!! :)

Lavender Lane said...

The first thing that comes to my mind would be a beautiful rose garden which filled with wonderful fragrance of each flower!!! :)

Sewe said...

Springtime makes me first of think about running around outside, playing with the kids in my family!

Dont live in US, hope I understand it correct that the giveaway are open for us europeans too if we pay for the shipping when winning :)

Have a great spring and easter!

Lavender Lane said...

The first thing that comes to my mind would be a beautiful rose garden which filled with wonderful fragrance from each flower!!! :)

Laurel said...

The first word I think of when I hear the word springtime is daffodil. They always remind me of spring and I remember them popping up so pretty every year where I grew up.

Crystal said...

Oh, springtime makes me think of popsicles. Yum!

V said...

When I hear springtime, I think of gardening. Shopping for new flowers & vegetable plants! I love Spring!

Linda F. said...

Ahh, Springtime. Springtime means flowers: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips!

love4scrap said...

First thing I think of is flowers.

Carol W. said...

Whe I hear 'springtime' I dream of fresh cut green grass and lazy picnics by the pond with the smell of Honeysuckles nearby! Thank you for the chance to win.

Charlene said...

Flowers!!! Lots and lots of flowers! I LOVE color. :)
at verizon dot net

Julie Stafford said...

The first thing I think of is flowers....bright beautiful flowers!!! Lots of them!!

Unknown said...

I see spring as green leaves on the trees, yellow flowers and a warm gentle breeze.

Terria said...

I would have to say the 1st word I think of when I hear Spring is "New Beginnings" Thank for a chance to win:)

Miss Shawn said...

the sun, the sun, oh how I miss the sun!!!

tiff said...

I think "flowers" when I hear Spring!

Edee said...

The first things I think of are forsythia and daffodils - sure signs that I've survived another cold New England winter.

TheLastOfNine said...

When I hear Springtime I think of blue skies, fluttering butterflies, blooming flowers, refreshing showers and the feeling of being sunkissed.

Anonymous said...

The first thing that pops into my mind when I hear "Springtime" is the little saying: "April showers bring May flowers."

Happy Spring!!!

sunnysideup/doreensng said...

When I think of Spring time I think of Flowers,pink, light blue ,light green and yellow. said...

Pollen!!! I love spring...but it doesn't agree with me.

Auntie Jill said...

Spring, to me means, growth, new life.

Thank you for the chance!

Joanne said...

WOW...what a giveaway! I think of "Happy Birthday to me" when I hear springtime...since my birthday is on the first day of spring!

{VICKI} said...


Emily Martina said...

Great Giveaway! The first thing that I think of when I hear spring is birds. I love when hearing them outside my window for the first time after a long winter!

Amy said...

I think "flowers"

Melinda AKA medialady said...

Springtime makes me think of blooming tulips with dew drops on them.

Annabelle said...

All of my trees and fences and lone pagoda dripping with wisteria and climbing roses. About 12 years ago I planted 5 teeny tiny wisteria slips around the yard. Though it is beautiful and people stop on the road to take pictures, it is unstoppable. I need a handsome prince to wake me up,

Jessica said...

Flowers of course! ;) Thanks for the opp at a great giveaway!

angie said...

When I think Spring I thing about the birds the air and how crisp it is the sky is so perfect and at night it's like Lover's lane

Audiene said...

I think of crocuses blooming. Second thought would be the snow going away!:D

Unknown said...

Fresh cut grass, flowers blooming, little girls with easter hats on, color, color, color! Thanks for a chance to win!

Kathy said...

When I hear the word 'spring', I immediately thing "green"!!! After all the dark dismal greys and browns of winter, I am so ready for the pop of green that spring brings!

CRB Flynn said...

First thing I think of during Springtime is planting my garden, taking photos and updating my garden journal, making Easter cards., and organizing my craft supplies... spring cleaning!!!

julie.schellin said...

FLOWERS, especially perennials which are such a gift to me: effortless beauty! Thanks for a chance to win!

Katey said...

fun giveaway!!

Wendy said...

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

Martha galvez said...

Springtime, I think about the sweet hot sun and trips to the coast!! great giveaway!! TFS!
pattig161 at yahoo dot com

Scrapamum said...

Hearing spring means picnics for us! Love spring!

Nitasha said...

"Fresh" is the first thing that pops into my mind when I hear springtime! Love this giveaway!

AllyW said... games, rain showers, and planting new flowers :) Those are the first things that popped into my head.

carriep said...

first word I think of when I hear sprintime is pink!

pickles99 said...

first word i think of when i hear tshe word springtime ---- bluebonnets! i live in texas and the bluebonnets definitely usher in spring.

Terry Kelling said...

The word springtime is flowers and warmer weather! Can't wait for "Springtime" to happen! Thanks for the chance on the great giveaway!

Just Me said...

Great giveaway, I think of flowers. Thanks for a chance to win!!

Laura said...

Robins nesting in my wall planter....they've been here 4 years in a row now.


Kristii said...

warmer weather!!! Living in Montana, the winters are very, very long!!! Spring cannot come soon enough!!! Thanks for a chance to win!!

Enchanted Papier said...

Awesome giveaway!
Spring...I think of walking by the lake on breezy days with my two four-legged buddies :)

NMSavinda said...

When I think of springtime, I think of flowers blooming...and allergies! HAHA! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

annes paperfun said... for me to see the bloom...the smell of new flowers.
I love spring ♥