Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring is in the air... or almost!  So lets have a spring flavored giveaway.  A Basic Grey Collection Pack 12 x12 , some Easter hopping THICKERS and a bouquet of flowers.

To enter leave a comment:  What do you love best about Spring?

I'll randomly pick a winner Friday morning.
Free shipping to US residents only.


Sandy said...

Spring is my favorite season! I love seeing all the flowers coming to life. Thanks for the chance.

Annette Bowes said...

Lovely selection of candy, I love spring as it is the first signs of new life, snowdrops and daffodils peeking through and birds busy chirping and collecting from the garden to build their nests, take careX:)

Knerten said...

Right now, what I like best about spring is the snow melting !! The amounts were so big of snow this winter, I am looking soo forward to warmer days, green grass and flower growing and coming to life !

Tanya said...

Probably it is ridiculous - but I like to clean in a case.
I hide far winter clothes, I pull out summer things from "far corner", I try on, I erase... - for me it is weight of pleasure! It is first sign - the SPRING HAS come!!!! Warm!!!

Sueann said...

Oooooo! Great giveaway! I love seeing everything green up after a long and white winter. And seeing all the birds come back!!
Thanks and Hugs

AmesOx said...

Beautiful giveaway! Spring is my second favorite season. What I love most about it is the beginnings of my favorite smells - BBQ in the air, fresh cut grass, flowers blooming. It seems kind of magical in a way!

Janine Rachau said...

All of the amazing new life that comes in Spring is my favorite thing about Spring. That is a wonderful prize pack. Thank you for the chance.

StampinCathy said...

I love that everything start coming to life again and the birds are chirping. The smell of cut grass, the beautiful colors of flowers, the leaves filling the trees with color, and taking walks to see all the beauty. Thanks for a chance at this sweet giveaway.

rinat said...

I love spring,the best about spring is the beautiful. Thanks for the chance.

ruth said...

Hearing the birds first thing is my favorite thing about spring!

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I love what you picked for a giveaway. I love the colors have dark colored clothes-now we get to wear bright--can't wait--and oh yea....sandals with painted toe nails.KH

anne g-i said...

Have a long and cold winter, spring is such a gift!!! I love how the air feels different and smells different than any other season.

Jennifer Hope Longenecker said...

I am one of those crazy people who loves me a good strong thunderstorm.

Anonymous said...

I love the orange blossoms on our trees and the azaleas blooming.
Thanks for another giveaway opportunity.

Maureen F. said...

warmer weather and the sun - I live in Chicago after all, where it stays cold and grey for winter

Kelly Massman said...

Love this giveaway! My favorite thing about spring is daffodils! They are so bright and cheerful, and they divide every year providing even more happiness!!!

cinmfoster said...

What I like best about is spring is everything coming back to life, the birds coming back and everything turning green again.

Audrey Yeager said...

I LOVE spring! My favorite is waking up to the birds happily chirpping away!

Kathy K said...

I love getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather and watching the trees and flowers coming to life again.

Jackie said...

Spring is time for the beach! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Scrapamum said...

I love the new baby animals. That is always a sign that spring it on the way.

Katharine Steff said...

I love it because I know it means my health is going to finally improve again during the summer :) And I also love to see the new flowers popping up!!

~Tonya said...

My most favorite thing about spring is everything is new again! You get to watch blades of grass turning green, buds on trees open, flowers blooming, the birdies coming back and so much more! Thank you for the chance at winning such pretty things. ~Tonya

Judy said...

I love the "Spring" smell in the air. All fresh and new

Rosa said...

I love the spring flowers.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I watch for with anticipation --- in early spring a faint green haze will appear in the trees. I love to watch for, but sometimes be surprised when I notice, the very first leaves just barely unfurling. They are particularly noticeable individually -- but in the forest of trees along a roadside, or up a sloping hill, creates this beautiful, almost misty green haze!
I love to see it!

OdonataCreations said...

I love how all the beauty comes back to life and once again colors our world!

Jocelyn said...

Spring...what is there not to love...but I think my favorite is the ability to get out and put my hands in the dirt and always brings me such great joy!!!

Kay Schnack said...

Spring is an awesome time of the year, because everything comes alive! Birds return, trees and flowers begin to bloom and Gods beautiful colors emerge! There is a freshness in the air and it is a rebirth of nature!

Jennifer said...

My favorite thing about spring is lilacs!

Brittney said...

I love hearing the chirping birds after a long winter

Natalie said...

What I love about spring is the warm weather and the cool nights. And seeing all the new blooms and hearing the birds when I wake up in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I am an on location, natural light photographer. After months of mammoth snows and sitting inside and wishing I could get back to work.... I am now able to get out and photograph couples, families and seniors! Also there arent many weddings to do in the winter, so I am excited about all the ones I have on my book for the warm months. I always have a blast meeting new people and making new friends out of clients. I have the best job in the world and thank God for it everyday! And for the beautiful weather that makes it possible :)

Tiffany said...

I love spring because i can open the windows let the fresh air in..... and listen to the birds as the breeze comes in. of course as im scrapping!! :) thanks so much for the chance to win!

sunny said...

I love spring, because we know there is rebirth of all good things. Each Spring I remember my Mother and Grandmother with loving thoughts since they gave me the gift of creativeness and a love for art. My daffodils are in bloom that my Mother planted for me 10 years ago and I must get photos of them for my Spring journal and our family's 2010 scrapbook.

SukiJ said...

I love all the beautiful wild flowers that appear during the spring. Lots of great hikes in California to see them.

nandmmom said...

The lack of rain! I live in Oregon!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love spring because I can watch my tulips pop up. Well, hopefully if the deer don't eat them first!

Sandi M said...

Spring tops my list for so many reasons I can't pick one. There's the time change, flowers bursting forth, warmer weather, spring showers and the smell of the air. Ah, spring - love it!

Kim Faucher said...

wow, I am enjoying see all thenew things coming into the store!!Must be fun opening and checking in all those boxes of goodies!!

I love everything about spring...the hope it giveseach and every person and the sense of renewal!

lynnfrompgh said...

I like spring 'cause the grass grows green! We've had a very LONG winter this year so Spring will be sweeter than usual!!!

Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Cilla A. said...

I love to be able to walk around my beautiful neighborhood in the springtime.

Linda F. said...

What I love most about spring? The smell...It's nothing identifiable (like lilacs or anything). Just a freshness in the air that you can smell and almost feel. It just makes me happy!

Unknown said...

I love the smell in the air in spring-so fresh!

Laura Stewart said...

I love taking my dog for walks!

Nitasha said...

I enjoy spring so much because my family and I spend much more time outside together. It feels good to be outside enjoying activities with them and it also warms my heart to see other families out doing the same!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

What I like best about spring right now . . . Spring Break!!!! No driving the school bus!

scrapping4twins said...

I love that it is no longer cold here in South Florida! Love the sunshine and love the longer days!

Create With Joy said...

I love EVERYTHING about spring - the weather - the sunshine - the flowers in bloom - EVERYTHING!


Cherry47 said...

I love spring because then I can have a nice pedicure and wear capris.

PiaA said...

The flowers, I love the flowers!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Spring is watching the trees come back to life and hearing the beautiful songs of the different birds that grace our area.

Creative Expressions by Lynn said...

Watching everything come back to life after a long winter's sleep.

Lynn Barnhill

becky said...

Having the windows open to catch the breeze and watching the birds eating at the feeders and on the ground around them. The trees are starting to bud and the plum tree has been blooming-everything is fresh and bright-what's not to like!

julie.schellin said...

Spring means my kids can play OUTSIDE! Thanks for the giveaway!

Pam said...

ahh spring...I love seeing everything turn green! Another beautiful giveaway...thanks for the chance.

Jody Chatham said...

I like the way Spring brings longer days. When people get more sunshine they feel better and it seems like everyone is in a good mood!

Donna VW said...

I love spring green - the color of new leaves budding!

ScrapNSister1 said...

I love the smell of spring rain.

pooky said...

I love the warmth and how everything just seems to come back to life! The sights and sounds are something that you just have to love!
Thanks for the chance to win! Have a super week:))

Pamk said...

no snow and warmer weather. I am so looking forward to spring this year.

wendipooh13 said...

I love that they days are longer and we can start going back outside and tulips!! they are soo pretty

nancy said...

Spring means flowers everywhere, hearing and seeing birds and all the snow is gone for another year. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!

Tina S said...

My favorite thing about spring is seeing all the jonquils and flowering shrubs just explode with color almost overnight. If the forsythia is blooming, spring is right around the corner! Love the Basic Gray and other giveaway goodies!

Miss Shawn said...

I live in Nebraska and we've only had 4 days of sunshine this whole winter! I can't wait to see the sun again.

Brittany said...

Surfers in wetsuits... mmmmm.... (we're in SD county...)

lauren said...

i love spring! especially after a long winter, the warm weather, the sun! i can't wait to get my bike out and just ride and ride through the beautiful idaho scenery. makes for great pictures and great scrapbooking!

patti west said...

The warmer temps are what I love most about spring!! Plus, the return of the birds & daffodils and tulips. :)

Bonnie said...

Spring to me means baby animals being born - how can you not love that?!? Thank you for all of the great ideas, inspiration and giveaways :-)

pdrnc said...

I love everything about spring: getting rid of all those heavy coats, the smell in the air, the sounds of the birds and the first signs of my tulips popping up.

Jingle said...

I love the feel of the warm sun on my face!

Michelle W. said...

Seeing green after a long winter of nothing but snow! Also watching all of the bulbs planted last Fall peak out of the soil. Thanks for the chance at winning:)

Jenni said...

Longer days and the warm sunshine!

Dana H said...

I love the feeling of everything new and fresh... flowers, trees, warm weather! We are almost there!

brenlubrant said...

This question is very easy for me to answer. Gardening is another one of my hobbies and I look forward each Spring to go in all of my flower gardens; peaking under the leaves to see my flowers peaking out from under the ground.

Rita said...

the green grass... the birds chirping... all the flowers blooming!

smahrty said...

the flowers - nature coming back to life!

A Sarasota said...

I love seeing the birds migrate through Florida on their way home! Sapsuckers, cedar waxwings, masked ducks--these are just a few of the flocks that have graced our yard this week. And the Robins have returned, so spring has truly spring!
Spring has sprung, the flowers iz riz, I wonders where the birdies iz?

Viji Siddharth said...

Love the flowers and colors!