Sunday, October 18, 2009

Giveaway Contest

This week's giveaway is a Halloween Kit.
To enter in this giveaway leave a comment and tell us your favorite Halloween candy.
I'll randomly pick one winner to receive this kit Thursday.

Giveaway shipping is free to US residents only.


Nan said...

I got purple blackberry candy corn and it was good!

Vel said...

How fun! My fav is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...yummy!

Brandi said...

Candy corn!! Love it! :)

Jocelyn said...

Oh I adore this favorite candy is.......candy corn!!!! :-) LOVE IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Sugar Babies!!! YUMMMY!!!

Anonymous said...

This kit is wonderful!! Thanks for giveing us a chance to win such a great kit.

Oh let's see; my favortie candy has to the mixed bag of Herseys little candy bars. I find myself eating all the milk and dark choclates ones!

Tiffany said...

so cute!!!

Kathryn Maier said...

I love the little packs of M&Ms a perfect treat. Thanks for the newsletter I love Blue Moon Scrapbooking.

Anonymous said...

My Favourite Halloween candy is Candied Apples!! Yum Yum Yum!!

Amy Iaquinta said...

for sure the candy corn!!!

ruth said...

Mini Heath bars! :)

Kristy Hansenwi said...

What a fantastic giveaway. Anyone would be lucky to get this one! I love 3 Muskateers. Thank you once again for putting together a great kit.

dblanken said...

My favorite Halloween candy is the peanut butter candy (wrapped in black and orange paper) YUM, The giveaway kit looks great!!!

Nitasha said...

What a treat! My favorite halloween candy is Nestle Treasures with Toffee....Yummy for me but not to hand out to the goblins!

Grammie said...

I love peanut butter cups and dark chocolate.

amyd said...

I love Caramels!

Linda D said...

O Henry Candy Bars. Don't see too many of these any more.

julie.schellin said...

Peanut Butter Kisses - a jaw achingly chewy candy that I ONLY buy at Halloween, and don't have to share with my kids. Thanks for a chance to win.

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I love 100,000 dollar mini bars, kitkats and twiks. . . or anything with chocolate!!

Abbey said...

I have to admit... candy corn:) and the little mixes with the candy pumpkins too.

Lindsay said...

Anything Chocolate. Snickers would have to be my favorite. When I was a kid that was the first treat gone.

Susan W said...

My favorite candy is the little Twix bars - yummy!! Candy corn is my second favorite!

Anonymous said...

Hi..I love Snicker bars and 'steal' as many as I can before my daughter catches me digging in her Halloween stash....shhhhh:)

Thanks for the chance!


AScrappersDelight said...

Caramel Apple Corn! YUM YUM YUM! Thanks for the chance at those great goodies!

Danielle P said...


holly said...

fun kit! I like snicker bars and big hunk bars!


Donna VW said...

Candy corn!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reese's cups ... definitely Reese's cups.

Beth S said...

Luv those little boxes of Whoppers!

Laura said...

peanut butter kisses!

Anonymous said...

what a great giveaway! Thanks so much!
How can one pick a single favorite Halloween treat? That's like asking how to pick only one favorite glimmer mist spray!
I do love candy corn (a highly addictive substance!!) and dark chocolate.
Donna Lee Williams


My fav candy is starburst! And this kit is yummy

Kristi B. said...

I love Candy Corn! This kit reminds me of Candy Corn. :)

Rebecca In MI said...

I love those little mini Mounds bars, dark chocolate and moist coconut..........yum!

Brrenda Lubrant said...

I love Ghirardelli candy squares. They make so many different flavors and for Halloween they wrap the squares in special Halloween papers. They are so good!! You are really good at putting kits together. Even though they are all from different companies they always complement each other well. Good job!!

mommyof5kidz said...

I don't know if they are still around, because I haven't thought of them in soooo long! ...But my favorite Halloween candy was always the greean apple caramel suckers!
Green apple sucker mixed with caramel..and I lOVED it! I could go for one now actually! Thanks for meking me think of those things!

**Great giveaway by the way!

huntla1 said...

My favorite is and has been almond joy candy bars! Love them. Although Twix are pretty good. Reese's peanut butter cups, yum. Baby ruth. Mounds. Well, anything but butterfingers. Butterfingers, yuk!

Anonymous said...

What a great kit! Hmm...favorite candy would have to be Nerd's - love em!

**CrEaTiNgWiThAlOhA** said...

has to be almond M&Ms..but liking the candy apple candy corn..yummo

Dina said...

My favorite candy is almond joys. Dove dark chocolate minis are pretty yummy too, and they have cute sayings on their wrappers, love that!

Great giveaway!

Mariannes gjenbruk said...

I love M&Ms ;-)

Cowchipper said...

the black and orange peanut butter taffys

Anonymous said...

anything pumpkin flavor

Dave Rike
Midwest city, OK

LisaNRoxy said...

Recees Peanut Butter Cups - YUM!!

sherley said...

Anything with chocolate!!! What a great kit!

Laura C said...

Candy Corn with peanuts - tastes like a snickers bar - yummm

Janine Rachau said...

Fabulous giveaway! Candy corn is a seasonal favorite.

ScrappyGirl said...

Flavored tootie rolls! yum yum!

Unknown said...

I would have to say candy corn, tootsie rolls and the peanut butter kisses. YUM!

Kim Faucher said...

oooo every year, I stock up on the MOunds or Almond Joys... love those !

Alecia Wolfford said...

What a super fun giveaway!! My fave Halloween candy would have to be the Reese's Pumpkins, LOVE them!!

Betheroo said...

Hard to pick a favorite, but Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

Alisa Noble said...

Well, I always love dark chocolate, but Smarties are my choice of candy!

Leah's Crafty Life said...

Only one??? That's tough... but I will go with my old favorite, Reeses PB cups... or @ Halloween, the Reeses Peanut Butter Pumpkins... love 'em!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite halloween candy is Candy corn :)

Dawne Carlisle said...

Your kits are always fabulous! I love Twix - they are my favorite along with Tootsie Rolls!

Lynne said...

Love this kit! Mary Janes are my absolute favorites!

Justine said...

This time of year it would be Sugar Babies! Cute kit.

Lorraine said...

I love mini Crunchie bars! Dh eats the rest of the package! ;)

AllyW said...

Junior Mints and Hot Tamalies all the way baby!!!! Yummmmmmmy!!

Unknown said...

Candy corn mixed with peanuts

Michelle W. said...

Back in the old days,when it was safe to accept homemade Halloween treats from your neighbors,I loved the Scott's popcorn balls. They were crunchy, and carmely all at the same time....yum!!! It's funny how sometimes the littlest gifts can stick with you for a life time:)

Jen said...

Harvest mixed Candy corn. I wait all year to eat it during this time. I love the fact that the candy matches the fall colors. Nothing like the energy of the sun in your life!

Sara said...

pumpkin spice Hershey kisses!!! They are amazing

cami said...

Cute products!

Unfortunately, I love it most any candy, but my favorite... Bit O' Honeys. Mmmmmm!

Audiene said...

I love marshmallow peeps! They are so good and yet so bad for me right now since I am on a diet.

Anonymous said...

candy corn... yummy.....

-- dalis

Lillian Child said...

Candy corn - mixed with popcorn or salted nuts - nothing says Trick or Treat like candy corn!!!

Wanda said...

My favorite candy is the hershey's little bars.

happy Halloween!!!

best regards,

Wanda Contreras

Nancywithajones said...

love this!!! my fav is candy co

Shawninaz said...

Junior Mints, yum! Awesome giveaway Blue Moon:)

Susan Goodell said...

Candy corn and candy pumpkins. Yum!!! Sugar overload.

Olivia said...

Anything chocolate! especially with some kind of nut, I love the crunchiness!

*SHeRRy B* said...

Definitely candy corns!

Anonymous said...

Love the kit!!! My favorite Halloween candy is...caramel apples...YUM!


Anne-Liesse said...

Love to see all of the colors on the papers!

Debbie said...

Only one...too hard to pick one...but my favorite at Halloween as a child was snickers and sugar daddy's ...:) Thanks for the giveaway!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Mine is candy corn.

Emily said...

Kit kats, by far!

By the way...what a great kit

The Mize of Texas said...

All things chocolate!

Phoenix Neuman said...

I looove Candy Corn .... and Indian Corn. Mmm. Just thinking about it makes me want some! :)

Melissa Reuss said...

My favorite candy would have to be Heath Bars. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Treasa C. said...

What a great kit!!! My favorite holiday candy is the miniature Reese cups. Yum!!!

Colleen { HappyLittleArt } said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!

I'd say my favorite candy Chocolates...the mint Victoria Creme....OMy!! Dont get them very often but YUM!!!

Amanda said...

Fabulous prize! I would have to say my favorite candy is a mary jane and also black jacks.